tisdag 17 april 2012

9/11 - 2,3 triljoner dollar spårlöst försvunna...

- Dagen före 9-11 WTC Attacken...

2,3 triljoner dollar spårlöst borta. Det återfanns aldrig några vrakdelar från planet som störtade in i Pentagon... 

Av en händelse så störtade planet rakt på bevismaterialet i en utredning om ett EPISKT STORT BELOPP I DOLLAR ($2,300,000,000,000) som tidigare försvunnit ur den amerikanska budgeten.

Mr. Rumsfeldt beklagade verkligen att allt utredningsmaterial nu spårlöst gått upp i rök, liksom flygplanet gjort…

...En eventuell stöld av 2,3 triljoner dollar kanske inte låter så mycket? ... 

Enligt uppgift motsvarar det att varje amerikan blir bestulen på 8000 dollar...

- Vadå 9/11?
...92% i Afghanistan har ingen aning om varför USA är där...

Folket i Afghanistan har aldrig hört talas om 9/11 och terrordåden i New York. De flesta i Afghanistan verkar inte heller ha koll på att USA landat på månen... Afghanerna har viktigare saker för sig... Bl. a. att försöka överleva allt elände som utländska militärer ställer till med i deras land...


Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth

There is incontrovertible publicly available evidence since 9/11/01 that the official account of the events of that day is incomplete and fraught with errors;

The 9/11 Commission Report inadequately answered, and in numerous cases even failed to address, many of the most important questions that were called to its attention;

The blatant disregard of extensive compelling evidence that clearly refutes the official account raises rational suspicion of intentional deception by agents of the U.S. Government; U.S. Government policies have been, and continue to be, founded upon assumptions about the events of 9/11 that are likely to be erroneous;

Life-threatening maladies caused by toxic environmental conditions at Ground Zero in New York City persist today and will continue to develop in the future; and The perpetrators of the heinous crimes against humanity that were committed on 9/11 have still not been brought to justice.

Therefore, we, the members of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, call for a new and independent investigation into the events of 9/11/01 by a duly constituted legal body with the authority to subpoena and require testimony under oath, and with authority to prosecute if criminal activity is discovered, so that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity can at last be brought to justice.

Läs mer på: http://mp911truth.org


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