& Corruptio på elitens uppmaning
Nu lär väl den här sidan inte komma överst bland Googles sökresultat, men sidan är inte mindre viktig för det. Den visar på ett perfekt censursystem som missbrukas av makteliten.

Google’s Safe Browsing List, which blocks websites and flags them as containing malware, is increasingly used as a mechanism for the censoring of independent media and the falsification of history. [...]
Editors notes: Dessa 11 miljoner webbsajter är platser som helt och hållet utesluts från Googles sökmotor och inte alls visas när du söker på Google. UnderMattan & Corruptio är än så länge "bara" censurerade via Googles korrupta skrämselpropaganda om falska virus...
Systematically, Google has been placing "undesirable" websites on a massive blacklist, and has been apparently ratcheting up this draconian de facto censorship over approximately the last year. So that, today, an astounding (brace yourself) 11 million — that's ELEVEN MILLION — websites are now on Google's blacklist. That's 11 million sites that users relying on Google to search for stuff will never, ever see.
"Over 11 million websites have been blacklisted and banned by Google" recounts Real News Reporter (20 July 2011). This includes "A massive block of websites registered for free through the subdomain [which] have been silenced after the Internet giants have determined many of them to be unfit for the Web."
Now, to be fair, among the 11 million sites on the blacklist, some do have problems — some contain malware (malicious software, like viruses), some violate Google's aversion to excessive duplication, some have tried too hard to finesse Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a technique to supposedly improve a site's chances of raising its SERP ranking — and a technique which Google apparently has decided it really hates.
However, Google's blacklisting also has a strongly arbitrary character. File-sharing sites such as The Pirate Bay, isoHunt, 4Shared, and others have been blacklisted because ... well, Google just doesn't like file-sharing? According to the Geeky-Gadgets website (24 November 2011), "It's thought that Google has implemented the new changes to stay on the right side of major movie houses and music studios."
The blacklist also seems to have a political bias as well.
In a 30 November 2010 story, reported ominously that "In a damning new lurch towards web censorship, Google’s news aggregator has blacklisted Prison Planet and Infowars despite the fact that both websites are internationally known and now attract more traffic than many mainstream media websites, while Google-owned You Tube has frozen the Alex Jones Channel based on a spurious complaint about showing Wikileaks footage that has been carried on hundreds of other You Tube channels for months."
Within the last year or so, this program of screening search material (websites) and filtering the search results (SERPs, or Search Engine Results Pages) has accelerated and intensified. Part of this is the so-called Panda algorithm, which penalizes websites for lack of "fresh" content, and for what Google's Panda robot deems excessively duplicative content. (See my report on this, Quality Articles Fall Victim to Google Panda and Anti-Duplication Hysteria.)
What Panda does is condemn websites to near-oblivion — whereas a site (say, the source of your bread-and-butter business income) may have ranked fairly high a year or so ago in searches for your product or service, after Panda kicked in early in 2011, many site owners found their pages would rank down around page 300 or so in the SERPs (search results).
Likewise, if your webpage held one or more unique bits of information, or perhaps collected information on a topic in a unique way, you might well find that, post-Panda, it would be relegated in SERPs to the far reaches of the Web universe so that just about nobody would ever see it. Basically, a lot of far less relevant results, plus junk, would be inserted in front of it, thanks to Panda.
But those misfortunes pale in comparison to Google's blacklisting binge.
Legal fights aside, for most users, Google's blacklist — and Panda — have produced nothing short of a crisis. Google now dominates the online search market — 70 to 80 percent of searches in the USA rely on Google, and an even higher percentage in Europe — 90 percent. Google has reshaped the business world, since businesses now depend on their Internet presence, and in turn rely on Google to help prospective customers find them.
In effect, Google has become a huge pipe, or conduit, through which almost all business marketing, and the vast majority of all informational searching, must be channeled. But now, with its blacklisting of entire sites, and mysterious efforts at manipulation of content via Panda, Google has started down a slippery slope into censoring and asserting control over what can be found on the Web.
Do consumers have any options? Well, there are alternative search engines — Microsoft's, for example, which seems to produce even more comprehensive SERPs without a blacklist (at least currently). There's also the possibility of government regulation (lots of luck with that).
The immediate prospect here doesn't look nice. What it could mean is that, if you're searching for effective therapies or cures for that rare disease afflicting your relative, and the exact solution you need happens to be described on a website bumped to page 500 in the search results, or — even worse — placed on the blacklist, because it fails to meet Google's "quality" standards ... Google might expect you to start searching for a funeral parlor, instead. Maybe one that meets its "quality" standards?
Läs hela artikeln på länken undertill:
Editors notes
UnderMattans redaktör löser världens problem!
Efter ett antal snälla mejl från UM-bloggen + ett antal andra mindre snälla mejl från UM-bloggens läsare till skurkarna på så försvinner plötsligt den officiella svartlistningen av UnderMattan-bloggen från kl 01.00 mitt i natten.
Klockan 05:20 på natten försvinner plötsligt också Googles varningstexter i sökmotorn.
- Vi har inte ändrat något som helst på sajten... :)
Så ska Google börja censurera bloggar
2012-02-01 13:09 - PC för Alla
Likt Twitter kommer Google börja censurera innehåll på företagets bloggtjänst i vissa länder.
Enligt teknikbloggen Mashable har Google börjat införa ändringar på företagets bloggtjänst Blogger. Ändringar kommer enligt Google att användas för att begränsa innehållet på bloggarna i vissa länder.
En blogg som exempelvis finns på kommer att omdirigeras till den australiensiska domänen,, om besökaren på bloggen kommer från Australien.
Användarna kommer dock inte att se några förändringar annat än att besökarna kommer att dirigeras om till den domän som passar för deras land. Enligt Google kommer det göra det enklare för företaget att följa lokala lagar i olika länder.
(Beskrivningen undertill är hur fascister censurerar och har inget med yttrandefrihet att göra -Reds Anm.)
– Genom att flytta bloggar till lokala domännamn blir det enklare för oss att främja yttrandefriheten.
- Vi kommer samtidigt bättre kunna efterfölja krav på blockering av visst innehåll för att följa de lagar och regler som gäller i olika länder, skriver Google på sin webbplats.
Omdirigeringen kommer inte att påverka bloggarnas placering på Googles söktjänst. Google räknar med att omdirigeringen är genomförd inom några veckor, skriver Mashable.
I förra veckan meddelade Twitter att företaget kommer att börja censurera meddelanden på tjänsten i olika länder. Censuren kommer att genomföras på olika länders begäran. Thailand meddelade i veckan att det blir det första landet som kommer att utnyttja Twitters erbjudande.
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed:
- Everything else is public relations.'
- Everything else is public relations.'

Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän
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