Sexåring arresterad
och bortförd av polis
En sexårig skolpojke fördes bort av poliser sedan han sparkat och hotat sin rektor till livet, uppgav poliskällor i den lilla staden Shelbyville i delstaten Indiana, USA, på onsdagen.
I april inträffade en liknande händelse på en skola i Milledgeville i Georgia, då polisen satte handfängsel på en sexårig flicka efter att hon skrikit och slagits.*
Police arrest 6-year-old who
threatens, kicks principal
(Reuters) - Police in a small Indiana town hauled a six-year-old from his elementary school and charged him with battery and intimidation after he kicked and threatened a principal, police said on Wednesday.
The incident followed one earlier in April where police handcuffed a 6-year-old girl who was screaming and crying and had injured a principal and damaged property at an elementary school in Milledgeville, Georgia. She was not charged.
The Indiana student, who had been suspended from school recently for biting and hitting a staff member, was arrested April 18 at Hendricks Elementary School in Shelbyville, which is about 30 miles southeast of Indianapolis.
"This was not an isolated incident," Shelbyville Police Lieutenant Michael Turner said.
School officials called police, reporting that the student, who was not identified, had kicked Principal Patrick Lumbley and told him and Assistant Principal Jessica Poe that he was going to kill them, a Shelbyville police report said.
- The student was yelling and screaming and lying on the floor of Poe's office when police arrived, the report said.
Poe led the student to a police car where an officer placed him in the back seat, buckled him in and drove him to the police department, the report said. He was not handcuffed.
- Turner said he hoped the filing of juvenile charges would help get the child needed help.
"Putting him into the system can open up avenues perhaps the parents don't have," Turner said.
(Reporting by Susan Guyett; Editing by David Bailey and Leslie Gevirtz)

6-year-old Salecia Johnson was handcuffed by police over alleged 'tantrum' (AP/
6-year-old girl handcuffed by police
and charged with assault
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A 6-year-old girl in Georgia was handcuffed by police and charged with assault after throwing a "tantrum" in her elementary school. Local tv affiliate 13WMAZ reports that Salecia Johnson, who is in kindergarten, was detained by police after her alleged outburst.
"Our policy is that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back. There is no age discrimination on that rule," Milledgeville Chief of Police Dray Swicord, told the station.
Swicord said the officer who handcuffed Johnson is not facing an investigation over his actions. Swicord added that Johnson was handcuffed for her safety as well as the safety of others. She was taken to the principal's office after pushing two other students, according to a police report.
"- The student was never placed in a holding cell or jail cell and the student's safety was of the utmost importance," Swicord said.
However, Johnson's parents are trying to organize a community protest against the officer's actions, including reported plans to contact civil rights activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton.
The officer's police report says Johnson began tearing items off the school principal's office walls and was throwing furniture. The report says Johnson knocked over a shelf that injured the principal.
Johnson also was reportedly biting a doorknob and attempting to break a glass frame while jumping on top of a paper shredder.
"She has mood swings some days, which all of us had mood swings some days," Johnson's mother Constance Ruff told WMAZ. "I guess that was just one of her bad days."
- After Johnson was handcuffed, she was taken to the local police station and charged with simple assault and damage to property.
- However, because of her young age, Johnson will reportedly not be prosecuted.
"A 6-year-old in kindergarten. They don't have no business calling the police and handcuffing my child," said Earnest Johnson, Salecia's father.
Editors notes
UnderMattans redaktör löser världens problem!
- Polischef, Dray Swicord i USA säger: "
-Fångar som transporteras till stationen i polisbil skall alltid handfängslas med händerna där bak. Det finns ingen åldersgräns för den regeln..."
...6-åringar verkar inte ha det lätt i USA... Polisen rycker ut till kindergarten och arresterar barn? Frågan är om barnen rymmer, får polisen skjuta dom då, eller finns det åldersgräns för den regeln..? :(
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