fredag 9 januari 2015

USA: Polis skulle utreda familjebråk - dödade 23-åringe obeväpnade sonen efter ordväxling

Efter ett familjegräl där sonen i familjen på fyllan misstänktes ha hotat andra familjemedlemmar med kniv, så tillkallades polis. Kort därefter så blev den obeväpnade 23-åringe sonen skjuten till döds efter en ordväxling med USA-polisen...

Cops Gun Down Unarmed Man After Verbal Exchange. They “Got Out of the Vehicle Ready to Kill”

“Everybody’s upset, angry, hurt,”
Alina Quintero, a family spokeswoman and cousin of John Paul “Paulie” Quintero, who died in hospital hours after the shooting, told the Wichita Eagle online newspaper. “One fact is, police shot an unarmed man,” she stated.

“Paulie” grew up in San Antonio, Texas, and moved to Wichita a couple months ago to begin a food-processing job.

“He came here to start a better future,” Alina explained.

On Saturday night, Quintero’s family called 911, saying John Paul had threatened them with a knife while he was under the influence of alcohol. According to police, Quintero was “belligerent” and wouldn’t comply with the two officers who arrived at the scene eight minutes later.

He was seated in an SUV parked in front of the house with his father. They asked both men to exit the car, and the older Quintero agreed.

After finally exiting the vehicle, John Paul allegedly started walking towards the back of the SUV as officers ordered him to show his hands. After he failed to comply, a male officer deployed a Taser, which had no effect on Quintero.

The man allegedly reached for his waistband as he kept moving towards a male officer.

Kansas police say the other female officer then fired two fatal shots into Quintero’s midsection. Police confirmed on Sunday they had not found any weapon on John Paul Quintero.[...]

USA: Polis skulle utreda familjebråk - dödade 23-åringe obeväpnade sonen efter ordväxling
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