Hedy Epstein, en 90-årig judisk förintelseöverlevande arresterades under protesterna i augusti 2014 när hon visade solidaritet med de demonstrerande i Ferguson. Hedy Epstein säger i en intervju att USA:s afroamerikaner idag lever under liknande förhållande som många judar på 30-talet - under en nazistregim...
Hedy Epstein (born 15 August 1924), née Wachenheimer, is a German-born American political activist known for her support of the Palestinian cause through the International Solidarity Movement and for her background as a Holocaust survivor.[1]
Born in Freiburg to a Jewish family, she was rescued from Nazi Germany by the Kindertransport in 1939. She immigrated to the United States in 1948, and she currently resides in St. Louis, Missouri.[2] [...]
Hedy Epstein (born 15 August 1924), née Wachenheimer, is a German-born American political activist known for her support of the Palestinian cause through the International Solidarity Movement and for her background as a Holocaust survivor.[1]
Born in Freiburg to a Jewish family, she was rescued from Nazi Germany by the Kindertransport in 1939. She immigrated to the United States in 1948, and she currently resides in St. Louis, Missouri.[2] [...]
- El-Naggar, Mona (29 December 2009). "Gather in Cairo for March to Gaza". New York Times. Retrieved 30 December 2009.
- Various authors. Epstein Lecture a Vision for Peace. The Stanford Daily, 22 October 2004.
Holocaust survivor arrested in Ferguson:
'African-Americans live like under Nazi regime'
Publicerades den 20 aug. 2014
Multiple arrests have been made in efforts to quell the uproar in Ferguson, Missouri. Meanwhile questions have been raised over just who police are targeting. RT's Marina Portnaya met some of the protesters. USA:s "drömpolis" tar hand om protester mot polisens dödsskjutningar av amerikaner
USA-DEMOKRATI NU! ...med lite hjälp av militärutrustad polis och automatvapen
Militär, Amnesty och FN - nya aktörer i polisstats-kravallerna i Ferguson
90-årig förintelseöverlevande arresterad i USA: "Afroamerikaner lever under en Naziregim"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Anti-Semitism: The Ultimate Zionist Weapon
SvaraRaderaDifferentiating between Zionism and Judaism requires recognition of certain basic facts. To begin with, Theodor Herzl (the founder of Zionism) was an atheist whose personal awareness of Jewishness appears to have been awakened during the 1894 trial, wrongful conviction, and imprisonment on Devil’s Island of Alfred Dreyfus, a French artillery officer of Alsatian Jewish descent accused of spying for Germany. In his diaries, Herzl makes no secret of his intention to use Jewish suffering as a means of furthering Zionist ideology. His vision for a Jewish state had nothing to do with “ … I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they shall possess it” (Jeremiah 30:3). Herzl actually considered various other locations such as Uganda and Argentina for his Zionist state and his view of Zionism and Judaism was more akin to that of Chaim Chassas who in 1943 in the Zionist newspaper, Ha’Arutz, said:
“Zionism and Judaism is not one thing but two different things. And of course two contradicting one another. Zionism starts at the place where Judaism is destroyed … one thing is certain, Zionism is not a continuation or healing of wounded Judaism, but rather an uprooting.”[...]