fredag 7 november 2014

Texas & USA älskar fortfarande George Bush... och alla andra "Bushar" i den politiska dynastin

Texas röstar ännu en gång på George Bush. Först kom George H.W. Bush, sedan George W. Bush, och nu kommer George P. Bush... (videos och familjehemligheter från Bush-dynastin...)

Texas votes for George Bush again

Publicerades den 4 nov 2014
First there was George H.W. Bush, then George W. Bush, and now George P. Bush. 

Running for Texas land commissioner--one of the most powerful positions in the state—he may be yet another member of the powerful political dynasty to have an effect American politics. RT’s Manuel Rapalo is in Austin and takes a closer look at the candidate.

Family of secrets revealed: Little-known facts about the Bush dynasty 

Publicerades den 4 nov 2014
Several political dynasties have existed in the history of the US, but perhaps none have been as controversial as the Bush family. 

And with beltway insiders circulating rumors of a potential 2016 run for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a renewed scrutiny of the family is taking place. Giving more insight to RT’s Ben Swann and Erin Ade is Russ Baker, author of “Family of Secrets.” 

- Valboskapen värmer upp inför nya spännande val...

Bin Laden, Bush, Wallenberg - brothers in arms

Elitens rikedomar har under alla tider till stor del kommit från krig och krigsindustrin. Många av dagens rikaste familjer i världen handlade med Hitlers Nazi-Tyskland och bidrog till att byggda upp Hitlers krigsindustri. Exempelvis familjen Bush i USA och här i Sverige familjen Wallenberg...
Texas & USA älskar fortfarande George Bush... och alla andra "Bushar" i den politiska dynastin
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. ‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
    Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women



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