söndag 7 juli 2013

Falkvinge: Imperiet står naket och bryr sig inte

En intervju med Piratpartiets f.d. ledare, Rick Falkvinge, om övervakning och utvecklingen i Snowden-affären...

Falkvinge: American Empire stands naked by Snowden leaks but not ashamed

Publicerad den 27 jun 2013
While the cat-and-mouse game over Edward Snowden continues, there've been yet more revelations on the US snooping programme. The NSA has been collecting huge amounts of email data for more than two years during the Obama administration, and is actually still mining the US internet.

That's according to the british daily, the Guardian, which was referring to some secret documents. Rick Falkvinge, the founder of the Swedish Pirate Party gives more on the issue.

Snowden makes his first statement from Moscow

Publicerad den 1 jul 2013
The anti-secrecy website Wikileaks has now released a letter that was allegedly written by Edward Snowden. It says: "The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon. Although I am convicted of nothing, it has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person.

Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right. A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum." Meanwhile, earlier today, we found out that an anonymous Russian official told the LA Times that Snowden has now filed for asylum in no fewer than 15 countries.

For reaction on the letter and the latest from the Snowden saga, RT Political Commentator Sam Sacks and Abby Martin, the host of Breaking the Set, join us.

The Resident: Welcome to the Snowden Movie

Publicerad den 7 jul 2013
Edward Snowden recently revealed that the US is effectively spying on everyone, domestically and internationally, by collecting, decyphering, and storing all of our digital communications. But in actuality, the story is old news.

Wired magazine ran the story in April of 2012, and USA Today published a similar article as early as 2006. So why is the world just now enraged? The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses.

NSA:s övervakning av webben 2013 i sammanfattning - För din egen trygghet


Falkvinge: Imperiet står naket och bryr sig inte

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