"Corbett Report" går igenom nyheter som alternativ media tvingat de människofientliga marionetterna vid mainstream att sluta mörka. Alternativ media växer och mainstream minskar... (video)
Publicerad den 28 juni 2013
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7595
Amidst the doom, gloom and paranoia of the daily headlines, it is all too easy to lose sight of the big picture: that we are transforming the society around us, and we have already had an incredible effect in waking people up and raising awareness of the real issues. Today on The Corbett Report we take a moment out of covering the bad news to appreciate the progress we've made and anticipate the progress yet to come.
Amidst the doom, gloom and paranoia of the daily headlines, it is all too easy to lose sight of the big picture: that we are transforming the society around us, and we have already had an incredible effect in waking people up and raising awareness of the real issues. Today on The Corbett Report we take a moment out of covering the bad news to appreciate the progress we've made and anticipate the progress yet to come.

Publicerad den 16 mars 2013
Publicerad den 16 mars 2013
This is Andrew Demeter's submission for InfoWars' 'Operation Paul Revere' contest hosted by Alex Jones of www.infowars.com
Corbett: - Vi vinner! - Alternativ media drar ner byxorna på krigspsykopaterna vid makten
Corbett: - Vi vinner! - Alternativ media drar ner byxorna på krigspsykopaterna vid makten
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