Edward Snowden bekräftar nu att dataviruset som går under beteckningen Stuxnet skapades av USA med hjälp från ISRAEL. Stuxnet användes bl.a. annat för attacker mot Irans atomprogram. (Engelsk text)
A screen capture of a Windows error message on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant’s map.
- The Stuxnet virus that decimated Iranian nuclear facilities was created by the NSA and co-written by Israel, Edward Snowden has confirmed.
- The whistleblower added the NSA has a web of foreign partners who pay “marginal attention to human rights.”
In an interview with Jacob Applebaum published in German daily Der Spiegel on Monday, Snowden stated that the US and Israel were behind the computer worm. Stuxnet infiltrated Iranian nuclear facility networks in 2009-2010 and was used to change the speed of thousands of gas-spinning centrifuges, sabotaging nuclear research.
Washington and Tel Aviv were thought to have been behind the cyber-attack, however, this was never confirmed by either government.
“The NSA and Israel wrote Stuxnet together,” Snowden told Applebaum in the interview that was carried out in May.

Malware Wars: Software Vendor Claims CIA and NSA Infiltrated Microsoft
Kurt NimmoInfowars.com June 20, 2012
According to Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer of antivirus and security software vendor F-Secure, U.S. intelligence infiltrated Microsoft’s core Windows and application development programming teams in order to spread the Stuxnet, Dugu, and Flame viruses.
“The announcement that links Flame to Stuxnet and the conclusive proof that Stuxnet was a US tool means that Flame is also linked to the US government,” Hypponen told PC Pro last week.
Following the revelation that the NSA was illegally collecting vast amounts of data on American citizens via the internet, Michael McConnell, then Director of National Intelligence, said the U.S. government should have unlimited and warrantless access to U.S. citizens’ Google search histories, private emails and file transfers.
Earlier this week it was reported that the U.S. and Israel collaborated on the sophisticated Flame virus which they unleashed on Iran’s oil industry and its nuclear program. Experts now believe Flame was built by the “same nation-state responsible for the Stuxnet virus that targeted Iran’s nuclear power plant in 2010. Many suspect Stuxnet was the work of Israeli intelligence,” Fox News reported.
The CIA, the NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, as well as the Israeli Embassy in Washington, declined to comment.
Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered a link between the two viruses earlier this month. Both take advantage of infected machines by exploiting a Windows flaw to launch the “autorun” feature.
*** http://www.infowars.com/malware-wars-software-vendor-claims-cia-and-nsa-infiltrated-microsoft/

Snowden bekräftar: - USA och Israel bakom cyberterror med dataviruset Stuxnet
-NSA hacked Al-Jazeera and Russia’s Aeroflot – report-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 01, 2013
Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revelations about US surveillance got a little creepier with the revelation that the National Security Agency hacked into Al-Jazeera TV’s encrypted e-mails, as well as Russian airline Aeroflot’s ticketing system.
German newspaper Der Spiegel reported the latest leaks, after seeing documents supporting the claim.
According to the newspaper, hacking into Al-Jazeera’s protected e-mails is considered no small feat in the US intelligence community. Among other things, the Arab news network has been known for broadcasting messages sent to the world by top Al-Qaeda figures for more than a decade. A substantial number of Osama bin Laden’s video broadcasts, from the 9/11 attacks onward, were broadcast on Al-Jazeera. Bin Laden sometimes appeared in the videos alongside his successor as Al-Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is still at large.
One of the documents obtained by Der Spiegel refers to information from March 2006, when the NSA’s Network Analysis Center managed to gain access to e-mails from “interesting targets” protected by Al-Jazeera. But the document also says that NSA officials did not find its’ language analysis of the e-mails particularly useful.
Both Aeroflot’s ticket reservation system and Al Jazeera’s encrypted e-mails were deemed a “notable success,” the NSA document reveals. The spy agency apparently considered both of them as having a “high potential as sources of intelligence.”
The documents seen by Der Spiegel did not reveal the complete extent of the agency’s spying on Al-Jazeera’s journalists or executives, however, or how long it went on. No documents relating to the NSA spying on Al-Jazeera have previously come to light. [...]