fredag 19 juli 2013

David Icke talar om elitens gener, den globala polisstaten och om problemlösning


David Icke angående Bush, elitens inavel, psykopater och etablerandet av den globala polisstaten

- You don't understand how the real world works.
You can donate all they money in the world it won't help anyone because the world banks control where you're money goes.

African nations are poor not because of a lack of resources, but because mega corporations exploit the continent by supporting corrupt puppet regimes.
Those regimes give exclusive rights to the corporations to extract the wealth of the nation while fattening their own pockets then the regimes leave and the cycle repeats itself.

 Kommentar av Rick Rouse på YouTube


When someone awakens to the true nature of the manipulated world we live in, as well as the vast resources for Truth at our immediate conscious fingertips, it takes some doing to fully realize what that information means, as well as the vast implications on your personal life.


You think TV’s bad? Turn it off. 

David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor 1.

Banks are a rip off? Get out except for perhaps necessary operating funds if need be.


- You don't understand how the real world works.

Trapped by the ownership of housing, “might needs”, and all kinds of dumb stuff?

Dump everything you can, if that’s your understanding.

 You think TV’s bad? Turn it off.
In reality the parasitic system has been sucking you dry and lying to you and everyone you love. 

You now no longer owe it any allegiance and can and should disengage any and every way you can. 

No guilt trip necessary. You are doing what is right.

Text :


David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor 2.

- Understand how the real world works.


David Icke talar om elitens gener, den globala polisstaten och om problemlösning

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