ASSANGE - Information wants to be free
- even in Sweden - part 4
Handlingar från myndigheter angående Assange-fallet
Allmänna handlingar hos Utrikesdepartementet rörande Assange 2013
Uppgifter omfattas av sekretess enligt 15 kap 1 § offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (2009:400) då de rör Sveriges förbindelse med annan stat respektive medborgare i annan stat och det kan antas att det stör Sveriges mellanfolkliga förbindelser och på annat sätt skadar landet om dessa uppgifter röjs. I handlingarna förekommer även uppgifter som omfattas av sekretess enligt 18 kap. 1 § OSL då de hänför sig till förundersökning i brottmål och det kan antas att syftet med beslutade eller förutsedda åtgärder motverkas eller den framtida verksamheten skadas om uppgifterna röjs.
Yearning for Assassination of Julian Assange Puts "Journalist" Under Fire
August 18, 2013
Source: Common Dreams
Time magazine's senior national correspondent Michael Grunwald rues for that day he can defend the US government if it decides to assassinate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with a drone strike.
Michael Grunwald, Time magazine's senior national correspondent, has come under enormous fire this weekend for declaring his support for the extrajudicial murder of Wikileaks' publisher and embattled journalist Julian Assange.
In what is perhaps the most singular and noxious example yet of how establishment media figures express their contempt for those journalists who have chosen to challenge government and corporate power as oppose to coddling that authority, Grunwald tweeted:

Though Grunwald deleted the original tweet—after someone pointed out, according to the Huffington Post, how it would "only encourage Assange supporters"—it was too late to stem the fallout.
Read More...***
Time Reporter Who Advocated Drone Strike on Assange Loves Big Brother
‘Big government helps protect our rights’***
Michael Grunwald, the Time Magazine reporter who advocated killing Julian Assange with a drone strike, is a quintessential mainstream media hack – he describes himself as a “statist” and thinks big government actually exists to protect people’s rights.
Publicerad den 19 aug 2013
A senior reporter for Time Magazine
is in hot water after he Tweeted, "I can't wait to write a defense of
the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange," on Saturday. Michael
Grunwald quickly regretted his tweet and deleted it from his feed, but
it was already too late. RT's Meghan Lopez has more on the reporter's
ASSANGE - Information wants to be free - even in Sweden - part 4
-No DNA link to Assange in condom central to sex assault case-
SvaraRaderaA ripped condom given to Swedish police by one of Julian Assange’s accusers does not contain the WikiLeaks founder’s DNA, forensic scientists have reportedly found.
In a 100-page document shown to Assange’s lawyers, it was revealed that the torn prophylactic, having been examined by staff at two forensic laboratories, did not bear conclusive evidence that Assange had ever worn it, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday.
Assange’s lawyers said the lack of DNA evidence on the condom, which was allegedly used during a supposed August 2010 sexual assault, indicates that a fake one could have been submitted.
The woman in question, now aged 33, claims to have been molested by Assange at her flat in Stockholm. She says that at one point he deliberately broke a condom in order to have unprotected sex with her.
Assange claims he had consensual sex with the woman, but denies intentionally tearing the condom. He had previously told police that he continued to stay at her residence for the week following the alleged incident, saying his accuser never made any mention of the ripped condom.
But DNA purportedly belonging to Assange was present on a condom submitted by a second woman, who has accused him of rape, prompting Swedish authorities to push ahead with their bid to have him extradited from the UK.
However, his second accuser, now 29, who claimed to have been raped in her sleep by Assange, apparently told police she had not been opposed to having unprotected sex with him despite previous statements to the contrary, the daily reported.
Assange denies the allegation of rape, maintaining he had consensual sex with the second woman as well. The Swedish prosecutor’s office refused to comment on the report, saying that the investigation was ongoing.
"The condom DNA evidence was supposed to be the killer evidence… Now, when we have found that there is no DNA on one of these condoms for one of the alleged victims, it rather calls into question substantial evidence against him,” human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell told RT.
The whistleblower has been holed up at Ecuador's Embassy in London since June, after the UK Supreme Court upheld his extradition warrant to Sweden.