söndag 7 juli 2013

Egypten gör om revolutionen på nytt - många döda bland Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters

I Egypten demonstrerar nu den tidigare presidenten Muhammed Mursis anhängare mot militärens maktövertagande... Börjar Egypten närma sig ett inbördeskrig liknande Syriens?
Egypten, formellt Arabrepubliken Egypten, är en republik i östra Nordafrika, vid Medelhavet och Röda havet. Wikipedia
Egypten är ett av de folkrikaste länderna i Afrika och Mellanöstern. Den stora majoriteten av dess uppskattningsvis 80 miljoner invånare[3] bor nära Nilen på ett cirka 40 000 km² stort område där den enda odlingsmarken finns. Stora delar av Saharaöknen är glest befolkat. Ungefär hälften av Egyptens invånare bor i städer, de flesta spridda över tätbefolkade orter som Kairo, Alexandria och andra större städer i Nildeltat.

Under revolutionen 2011 avgick president Hosni Mubarak som varit vid makten sedan 1981. Egypten styrdes därefter av Mohamed Hussein Tantawi och de väpnade styrkornas högsta råd fram till den 30 juni 2012 då den folkvalde Muhammad Mursi svors in som ny president. Det dröjde dock inte länge innan nya protester mot Muhammad Morsis presidentskap eskalerade och den 3 juli 2013 avsattes han av militären.

Denna händelse har benämnts som revolutionen 2013 och landet leds nu på nytt av de väpnade styrkornas högsta råd och dess ordförande Abdul Fatah al-Sisi tillsammans med den militärt tillsatta presidenten Adli Mansour.


- President Mohamed Morsi was removed from office and detained by the Egyptian military, who announced the constitution is suspended and new presidential elections will be held.



Egypten: Inbördeskrig en möjlighet efter att armén installerat nya ledare

Publicerad den 7 juli 2013
Egypt slipped back into political crisis this week - when the country's military overthrew its democratically-elected President. 
Mass celebrations after Mohamed Morsi's ousting quickly turned into violent clashes between his supporters and opponents. A new interim government is slowly being formed, but people there are deeply uneasy what's to come, as Paula Slier reports.

- Hissade svart Jihad-flagga

Tahrir video: Egypt's Morsi ousted, Cairo explodes in fireworks

Publicerad den 3 jul 2013
President Mohamed Morsi has been stripped of his power by the Egyptian army and the constitution has been suspended, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in a statement. Egypt's chief justice of the constitutional court will become the interim president.

Fireworks were set off over Cairo's Tahrir Square and across the city in celebration.

- Mass celebrations erupted across the country following the news.



Saudi Princess: Muslim Brotherhood was doomed to fail

Publicerad den 5 juli 2013
Tyrants are tyrants only when they are backed by the global powers, according to Saudi Princess Basmah Bint Saud. 

As an activist, writer and a businesswoman, Basmah Bint Saud is known for her strong support of those suffering from military, humanitarian, or civil crises in the Middle East. On SophieCo, the member of the royal family speaks about the Egyptian coup, Syrian mass genocide, and the forces that drive revolutions.

- The US refuses to call the event in Egypt a military coup as it would make their support of the country’s army, which ousted president Mohamed Morsi, a criminal act, Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal, told RT.

- Egypt's Islamists, who support the deposed president Morsi, are vowing further protests until the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader is restored to power. 


'Morsi ousted with US blessing'

From its inception the uprising against President Morsi was aided by the US, researcher and writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich told RT. She argues that whoever succeeds the ousted Egyptian leader will likely be beholden to the forces that put him in power. Morsi displacement is a military coup in the first place.


Post-coup violence in Egypt: RT LIVE UPDATES:





Egypten gör om revolutionen på nytt - många döda Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters

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