1984. All digital kommunikation lagras av USA.
2013-05-04. Alla telefonsamtal spelas redan in idag av USA:s myndigheter. F.d. FBI-agenten Tim Clemente, som tidigare arbetade med USA:s kontraterrorism, bekräftade nyligen vid en intervju på CNN att 1984 är här och nu.
Source: FBI looking at wife's phone call

Det pågår för tillfället en undersökning i anslutning till Boston-dådet i USA, angående vad den ene misstänkte Boston-bombarens änka sagt och inte sagt på telefon till sin numera avlidne man.
Enligt f.d. FBI-agenten, Tim Clemente, så har USA:s säkerhetstjänst i samarbete med telefonbolagen i hemlighet byggt upp ett system där all digital kommunikation lagras, typ Datalagringsdirektivet på steroider.
Men enligt vad som sägs i CNN-intervjun så stannar det inte vid USA:s digitala kommunikation utan USA skulle även ha tillgång till den samlade lagrade globala kommunikationen.
Det här är givetvis en helt naturlig utveckling av totalövervakningssamhället.
USA har ju de senaste åren gjort enorma investeringar på ett antal spionanläggningar med lagringskapacitet i Science Fiction-klass. Om folk i allmänhet haft en susning om alla nackdelar med att ge myndigheter fritt spelrum med digitaltekniken hade utvecklingen kanske sett annorlunda ut.
Men de flesta bryr sig inte om sånt här eftersom de inte har något att dölja. - Lycka till med det.
*There have been some previous indications that this is true. Former AT&T engineer Mark Klein revealed that AT&T and other telecoms had built a special network that allowed the National Security Agency full and unfettered access to data about the telephone calls and the content of email communications for all of their customers.
Specifically, Klein explained "that the NSA set up a system that vacuumed up Internet and phone-call data from ordinary Americans with the cooperation of AT&T" and that "contrary to the government's depiction of its surveillance program as aimed at overseas terrorists . . . much of the data sent through AT&T to the NSA was purely domestic.
" But his amazing revelations were mostly ignored and, when Congress retroactively immunized the nation's telecom giants for their participation in the illegal Bush spying programs, Klein's claims (by design) were prevented from being adjudicated in court.
That every single telephone call is recorded and stored would also explain this extraordinary revelation by the Washington Post in 2010:
Every day, collection systems at the National Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types of communications.It would also help explain the revelations of former NSA official William Binney, who resigned from the agency in protest over its systemic spying on the domestic communications of US citizens, that the US government has "assembled on the order of 20 trillion transactions about US citizens with other US citizens" (which counts only communications transactions and not financial and other transactions), and that "the data that's being assembled is about everybody. And from that data, then they can target anyone they want."
Videon Publicerad den 21 november 2012
ALL Digital Communications In The United States Are Being “Captured” By Government Surveillance Systems *Video*
Mac SlavoSHTFPlan.com
May 9, 2013
You may be reading this article in the privacy of your own home, but somewhere in a National Security Agency control center your every move is being tracked. What time you logged on this morning, the web site you visited, how long you stayed and even what you said in the comments section – all of it – has been cataloged and possibly even flagged for suspicious activity.
Several years ago, to the disbelief of many, we discussed the tracking and archivingcapabilities of advanced monitoring systems being implemented by the government. We noted that everything you do on a daily basis is being tracked.
Since then, the government has further expanded their capabilities. In fact, their ability to monitor Americans has increased to such an extent that they’ve built a data center so massive that it can store over a yottabyte of information; that’s 1 trillion terrabytes, or about 100 trillion high definition DVD’s worth of information. The NSA’s new data center is such a game changer, that it prompted one whistle blower to come forward:
Domestically, they’re pulling together all the data about virtually every U.S. citizen in the country and assembling that information, building communities that you have relationships with, and knowledge about you; what your activities are; what you’re doing.We’re talking about every digital data bit in existence here. If it crosses an internet pipeline (and that includes your phone calls), it’s being logged.

USA bygger största spioncentret på jorden...
FBI källa: All digital kommunikation lagras redan av USA - alla telefonsamtal spelas in
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