lördag 4 maj 2013


Sanningen om Boston-dådet kommer inte att presenteras i mainstreammedia...

Bombningen i Boston har tydliga inslag av myndighetsinblandning från USA:s hemligaste säkerhetstjänster. 100-tals miljoner människor världen över, pusslar just nu ihop bitarna av ett möjligt "false flag dåd" på Boston maraton.  

Detta trots att en synkad mainstreammedia hjälper USA:s myndigheter att dölja oönskad information och visar bilder på jublande amerikaner...




Video - Boston Bombing: What You Aren't Told (E14)

RT 2013-05-03
Triggers pulled on 4th, 2nd & 1st Amendments distracted by flag waving; clunky FBI propaganda; and unleash the War on Bathtubs. Seek truth from facts with former Marine Corps officer James Fetzer, editor of Storyleak Anthony Gucciardi, the Corbett Report’s James Corbett, Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, Boston eyewitnesses, and Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul.

NH State Rep Calls Boston Bombings an Inside Job!
Video publicerad den 7 maj 2013
Just as you said would happen. Top Down, Bottom UP. The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops "terrorist" attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now "terrorist" attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a "wake up" to all of us. First there was a "suspect" then there wasnt. Infowars broke the story and they knew they had been "found out". http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04...
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/bombdadet-i-boston-legoknektar-i-hemlig.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/fbi-skapar-medvetet-100-tals.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/explosioner-pa-boston-marathon-i-usa.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/konspirationsteorier-om-bombdadet-i.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/fbi-terror-pa-bestallning.html 
http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/fd-fbi-agent-usa-har-finansierat.html  http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/american-gestapo-snart-pa-en-plats.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/04/konspirationsteorier-om-bombdadet-i_30.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/fbi-3-nya-misstankta-inom-boston-dadet.html http://undermattans.blogspot.com/2013/05/forhoret-med-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-den.html  

InfoWars Checklist for a false flag

  1. 1. High profile event (Federal building, unique victims, etc)
  2. The Boston marathon, which is always held on Patriots Day in Boston, MA, is the Super Bowl equivalent for runners; All participants must submit qualifying times from previous races and the most elite runners from around the world fly in to compete.
  3. 2. Was there a scheduled drill?
  4. (Examples in history: 7/7, The Madrid Bombing, Gladio, . Government always has drills in case the compartmentalized group of mercenaries that are caring it out, while wearing police or FBI uniforms get caught, they can say “OH it was just part of the drill”) Bomb sniffing dogs were at start and finish lines, reported UM coach.
  5. 3. Did CIA or FBI have any prior connection with alleged suspect?
  6. 4. Suspicious events and/or Questions Go Unanswered
  7. Individual was seen walking on roof directly overhead as bomb goes off
  8. 5. Government uses extreme tactics in the name of “justice,” “security,” or “public safety?”
  9. 6. Mainstream media promotes narrative to take liberties
  10. 7. Politicians further their agendas
  11. 8. “Suspects” receive no due process
  12. 9.Insider Trading
    • -Gold prices crash




1 kommentar:

  1. Det pågår false flag operationer av globala "säkerhets tjänster" som redan idag har samma internationella(dvs sionistisk) ledning:

    alla 28 medarbetare am. spec.tj.som var inblandade i false flag eliminering av Osama BinLaden operation hamnade i olukshändelser och är döda, det samma gäller senaste tilfångatagande av maraton bombare - 2 spec.agenter i olukshändelse och döda - de som var inblandade i Kennedy mordet eliminerade

    - de lägsta säkerhets tj-man elimineras för att tysta... Vilka djur som leder USA nu.....

    2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Arrest Have Been Killed During a Training

    Exercise http://www.blacklistednews.com/2_FBI_Agents_Involved_in_Dzhokhar_Tsarnaev%27s_Arrest_Have_Been_Killed_During_a_Training_Exercise_/26199/0/0/0/Y/M.html

    -"People surrounding the Tsarnaev brothers are dying at a faster than rate those who were somehow connected to the JFK assassination".

    Dessa bröder tagits emot i USA som judiska flyktingar ....



    samt for info...

    Truman:-"There is nothing new in the world eхept the history you do not know"

    " Mountain Jews or Caucasus Jews also known as Juhuro are Jews of the eastern and northern slopes of Caucasus, mainly of Dagestan and Azerbaijan. They are the descendants of Persian Jews from Iran.

    The Mountain Jews community originated from Ancient Persia, from 5th century AD onwards, and their language, Juhuri, has close relation to the Tat language, an ancient Southwest Iranian language which integrates many elements of Ancient Hebrew.

    It is believed that they had arrived in Persia from Ancient Israel as early as the 8th century BCE.

    The Mountain Jews survived numerous historical vicissitudes by settling in extremely remote and mountainous areas. They were known to be accomplished warriors and horseback riders. Mountain Jews are distinct from Georgian Jews of the Caucasus Mountains.

    Both are culturally and ethnically different with independent languages and many differences in customs and culture.



    "Welcome to the present - and coming - crumbling of America's infrastructure, because no one has the money to fix, or replace it".

    Polis i USA mördar människor hur de bara vill( samma trndens utveklas globalt och i Sverige):


    'Holy fucking shit, I left the post-Gorbachev/Yeltzin/ Putin's Commie Russian PoliceState...for this??'



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