söndag 2 augusti 2015

Palestinskt Spädbarn Bränt Levande till Döds i Barbarisk Judisk Terrorattack

Ett palestinskt spädbarn brändes till döds i en barbarisk terrorattack från högerextremistiska judiska bosättare. Ett annat 4-årigt barn och familjemedlemmar skadades också svårt med upp emot 75-procentiga brännskador vid terrorattacken som utfördes på natten när babyn och barnfamiljen sov. Terroristerna skrev "Leve Messias Hämnd" på offrens husvägg...

Det märks att SR till slut lärt sig ett och annat om världen av exempelvis UM-bloggen. 
Men sannolikt kommer det snart att finnas ett par lediga jobb på notoriska "sionistorganet" SR... :)

Israeli settlers burn Palestinian baby to death in West Bank

Publicerades den 31 juli 2015 PressTV News Videos

Palestinian toddler burned to death in suspected Jewish ‘price tag’ attack

RT 2015-07-31
A suspected “price tag,” or retaliation, arson attack by right-wing Jewish settlers killed an 18-month-old Palestinian child in a house in the occupied West Bank and injured several other people, according to Israeli police.

The toddler died in a house fire which broke out in a village of Kafr Duma near the West Bank city of Nablus, Reuters reports.

The victim’s four-year-old brother and both parents were also injured and have been brought to the hospital.
The attack took place in the early hours of the morning when the family was fast asleep and could not react immediately.

The information available at this stage suggests that two arsonists broke the windows and threw Molotov cocktails inside two houses, RT’s Paula Slier reports from Tel Aviv. The house inhabited by the injured family was burned out from the inside. The neighboring house was also seriously damaged by fire, but it was luckily empty at the time.

- The arsonists left inscriptions on the wall, saying “Long live the Messiah” and “Revenge” on the wall of the house.

Läs mer:
Parents and 4 year old brother of killed baby were left with burns on 75% of their bodies.  
RT 2015-08-08
The farther of a Palestinian toddler who was killed in an arson attack on his home a week ago, which was blamed on Jewish extremists, has died from wounds he suffered in the same incident.[...]

 Palestinskt Spädbarn Bränt Levande till Döds i Barbarisk Judisk Terrorattack
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

4 kommentarer:

  1. den monolog av f.d. rabbinen -Eduard Hodos, man måste översätta .... då han förklarar att satanistiskt sekt Habad infiltrerade i ledning av alla länder globalt och leder mänskligheten till stor eliminering av mänskligheten, degradering och krig, massmord etc. Det finns ingen botemedel, ingen förnuft eller diskussion spelar roll - Habad kör som zombies till sitt mål = offrande av mänskligheten, satans destruktion = Antikrist och Armageddon..... detta är planerad och verkställs kompromisslös.... detta måste översättas för att förstå det som händer i verkligheten.... tiden redan förlorad och för att överleva finns bara en utväg- eliminera sionist Habad ... eller de eliminerar alla globalt!


  2. http://hodos-video.com/

  3. -2 Palestinian teens shot dead amid clashes over toddler killed in arson attack-

    Published time: 31 Jul, 2015 23:05

    Two 17-yo Palestinian boys were shot dead by Israeli forces in separate incidents amid clashes in the West Bank incited by the death of an 18-month-old child in a suspected Jewish arson attack on a Palestinian village.

    Laith Fadel al-Khaladi, 17, was reportedly shot in the chest by an Israeli sniper near Bir Zeit, north of Ramallah in the central West Bank.

    The teen later died from his injuries at a hospital, the Palestinian Ma'an News Agency quoted medical sources as saying.

    Al-Khaladi is said to have been shot during anti-Israeli protests in the area, sparked by the deadly “price tag” attack in Kafr Duma.

    Six other Palestinians were injured in clashes erupting during arson-related protests in the West Bank and Jerusalem on Friday, Haaretz reported.

    One Palestinian was shot in the leg during protests in the West Bank city of Hebron; four others were wounded after police resorted to tear gas and rubber bullets against about 30 stone-throwers in the city of Halhul. One more Palestinian was injured with a rubber bullet in Kfar Kadum. [...]


  4. Hollow Israeli Sorrow Over Palestinian Baby Immolation by Jewish Settlers

    Israeli officials throughout its history consistently showed contempt for Palestinian rights – from Ben-Gurion to Allon to Meir to Begin to Rabin to Peres to Sharon to Netanyahu and others, an array of rogue leaders, not a democrat in the bunch.




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