söndag 10 juni 2012

Valet i Libyen försenas

Valet i Libyen försenas

Det planerade valet till en konstituerande församling i Libyen skjuts fram till 7 juli. Enligt de tidigare planerna skulle valet ha hållits den 19 juni.

Valkommissionens ordförande säger att tekniska och logistiska skäl ligger bakom beslutet.

- Det rör sig om det första nationella valet i Libyen på över 40 år.



A Second Opinion about Libya:

On September 1, 1969 the pro-western regime that had ruled in Libya was overthrown by Colonel Muamar Gaddafi and his officers. At the time, Libya was home to the largest US Air Base (Wheelus Air Base) in North Africa.

Agreements between the USA and Libya signed in 1951 and 1954 granted the USAF the use of Wheelus Air Base and its El Watia gunnery range for gunnery and bombing training and for transport and bombing stopovers until 1971.

During the Cold War the base was pivotal to expanding US military power under the Strategic Air Command, and an essential base for fighter and reconnaissance missions.

The Pentagon also used the base -- and the remote Libyan desert -- for missile launch testing: the launch area was located 15 miles east of Tripoli.

Considered a 'little America on the shores of the Mediteranean', the base housed some 4600 US military personnel until its evacuation in 1970.

- With the discovery of oil in Libya in 1959, a very poor desert country became a very rich little western protectorate.

- US and European companies had huge stakes in the extremely lucrative petroleum and banking sectors, but these were soon nationalized by Gaddafi.

Thus Libya overnight joined the list of US 'enemy' or 'rogue' states that sought autonomy and self-determination outside the expanding sphere of western Empire. Further cementing western hatred of the new regime, Libya played a leading role of the 1973 oil embargo against the US and maintained cooperative relations with the Soviet Union.


Great Man made River Project

These are some Facts and Figures about GMRA :

- Approximately 500,000 pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes have been manufactured to date.

- Approximately 500,000 pipes transported to date. Pipe transportation is continuous process and the work goes on day and night, distance traveled by the transporters is equivalent to the sun and back.

- Over 3,700 km of haul roads was constructed alongside the pipe line trench
to enable the heavy truck -- trailers to deliver pipe to the installation site Phase I Total Length 1,600 Km. Phase II Total Length 2,155 Km.

- Volume of Trench Excavation 250 Million Cubic Meter.

- The amount of aggregate used in the project : 30,000,000 Ton.
Enough to Build 20 pyramids the size of the great pyramid of Khoufu.

- Total Weight of Cement used 7.0 Million Tones.

- Total Length of Pre-Stressing Wire 6.0 Million Kilometers
This would circle the Earth 280 times.

1. Libya is Africa's largest exporter of oil, 1.7 million tons a day,
which quickly was reduced to 300-400,000 ton due to US-NATO bombing. Libya exports 80% of its oil: 80% of that to several EU lands (32% Italy, 14% Germany, 10% France); 10% China; 5% USA.

2. Gaddafi has been preparing to launch a gold dinar for oil trade with all of Africa's 200 million people and other countries interested. French President Nickola Sarkozi called this, "a threat for financial
security of mankind". Much of France's wealth—more than any other colonial-imperialist power—comes from exploiting Africa.

3. Central Bank of Libya is 100% owned by state (since 1956) and is thus outside of multinational corporation control (BIS-Banking International Settlement rules for private interests). The state can finance its own projects and do so without interest rates

4. Gaddafi-Central Bank used $33 billion, without interest rates, to
build the Great Man-Made River of 3,750 kilometers with three parallel pipelines running oil, gas and water supplying 70% of the people (4.5 of its 6 million) with clean drinking and irrigation water.

5. The Central Bank also financed Africa's first communication satellite with $300 million of the $377 cost. It started up for all Africa, December 26, 2007, thus saving the 45-African nations an annual fee of  $500 million pocketed by Europe for use of its satellites and this means much less cost for telephones and other communication systems.

Black Genocide in Libya! - Special Report

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