Här är företagen som inte vill synas...
- de synar dig dygnet om istället
- De infekterar din dator med virus och trojaner för att kunna totalövervaka ditt digitala liv. De samkör all data om dig från sociala nätverk och forum och GPS-positionerar samtidigt dina rörelser från din mobil.

Trojanerna som lagts på din dator rapporterar oavbrutet dina aktiviteter till myndigheterna varje gång du trycker på en tangent. Din hårddisk skannas varje timme och all intressant information skickas till myndigheterna eller till privata företag med dolda agendor.
- Där lagras dina aktiviteter i hemlighet och dina misstag kommer att användas mot dig vid behov. Kanske när du söker arbete nästa gång?
Laddade verkligen din son ändå ner den där filmen olagligt? ...Får vi verkligen böta 300.000 kronor om de upptäcker det?
- Låter det här som något som kommer att inträffa i en avlägsen framtid?
...Tänk igen, det händer just nu runt omkring dig och möjligtvis även på just din dator.
-Den Tyska underrättelsetjänsten togs för inte så länge sen på bar gärning med med byxorna nere för samtliga aktiviteter som beskrivs i texten.
- Det tyska folket var inte roat.
Avlyssningsskandalen i England där bl.a. kändisars mobiler avlyssnades av tabloidtidningarnas journalister med hjälp av folk från säkerhetstjänsten skakade nyligen Murdochs mediaimperium...
- Men du har ju inget att dölja, så det finns absolut inget att oroa sig för...
Aktiviteterna som beskrivs i texten ovanför är ändå bara bonusövervakning som pågår parallellt med statens numera lagliga kartläggning av ditt liv via FRA och datalagringsdirektivet.
- Men som sagt, du har ju inget att dölja så det gör naturligtvis inget...
Ansiktsigenkänning via avancerade program som läser av varje drag på ditt ansikte från övervakningskameror och fastställer din identitet genom att söka av och jämföra data från bilder i olika register. Den här tekniken används redan av diverse underrättelsetjänster och företag.
Projekt och forskning pågår hela tiden att förfina tekniken och även de omtalade drönarna utrustas just nu med ansiktsigenkännings-teknologi. Pentagon har stora planer för sina bestyckade dödsmaskiner. Gissa vilka...
--Tack till Oscar Qvist-- (text på engelska)

The company represents almost two decades of industry experience in customer-centric development of state-of-theart monitoring centers and intelligence tools for the security market.
With in-depth knowledge of the public sector requirements in enhancing safety and security and 170 highly qualified experts, worldwide, trovicor designs and manufactures many and varied lawful interception solutions for the most sophisticated applications in Communication Surveillance.
Headquartered in Munich, Germany and with affiliate offices in Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, trovicor services Law Enforcement and Government Agencies in the security sector with deployments in more than 100 countries.
Trovicor security solutions empower governments to anticipate, prevent, manage and investigate incidents, to recognise criminal intent, to ensure security improvements and to fight crime and terrorism proactively.
These turn-key solutions are based on trovicor’s own innovative cores and designed for integrating best-in-class third party products providing the most flexible platform for the apprehension of criminals.
The trovicor Monitoring Center systems completely developed in-house are a state-of-the-art solution to monitor, analyse and store all data acquired during investigation activities, such as the interception of communication data in fixed and mobile networks, to Next Generation Networks and the Internet.

ClearTrail is leading provider of communication monitoring solutions to LEA’s, Intelligence Agencies and Telecom carriers worldwide. Our solutions are deployed across hundreds of communication links and empower agencies to Mass Intercept GSM/CDMA,PSTN, GPRS, EDGE, 3G/3.5G, Wi-Max, VSAT, & IP links...
Analyze vast amount of information; Monitor Wi-Fi networks and replay HTTPS sessions; Deliver Trojans remotely & locate targets; Monitor GSM calls 'Off-The-Air' Gamma International has developed for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies its own FinFisher IT Intrusion Portfolio, which is a comprehensive range of professional offensive tools for information gathering...
...sniffing, manipulation and exploitation. FinFisher is proving to be instrumental in the fight against child pornography, cybercrime, pedophilia, human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorism, and other criminal activities. For more information contact: info@gammagroup.com

HackingTeam provides the premier Cyber Intelligence solution: Remote Control System (RCS). Proven by years of worldwide adoption and designed to fulfill LEAs and Security Agencies higher expectations, RCS gives you total control over endpoint devices. Offering the widest selection of infection vectors and showing total invisibility to protection systems, RCS guarantees easy installation on target devices.
An integrated, easy to use Console allows you to manage all of your tasks, from evidence collection to infrastructure management. Newly released RCS version 8, codenamed Da Vinci, introduces a new dimension of cyber investigations: data intelligence. Find out more at www.hackingteam.com
NeoSoft AG is a world-wide known manufacturer of Monitoring security systems such as: Passive, Active (Semi-Active), Hybrid GSM Monitoring systems with A5.2/A5.1 deciphering; CDMA Passive Monitoring systems; IMSI/IMEI Catchers 2G and 3G and InPoint SMS System .
All our systems support the following bands: GSM, PCS, EGSM, 2100 and 850. Our systems are widely used for victim detection and recovery during various acts of terrorism and natural disasters.

NICE Intelligence Solutions include: Advanced IP Monitoring, Mobile Location Tracking, Satellite Interception, Web Intelligence & Social Network Analysis. With more than 180 installations in about 70 countries, Utimaco is a leading global supplier in the lawful interception market.
Since 1994 Utimaco has been providing lawful interception systems for mobile and fixed network operators and Internet service providers. In addition at the request of telecom customers for an integrated lawful interception and data retention solution, Utimaco introduced the Data Retention Suite corresponding to the EU directive 2006/24/EC. For more information visit http://lims.utimaco.com
Verint ® Communications and Cyber Intelligence Solutions ™ help law enforcement, national security, and other government agencies neutralize terror and crime, facilitate communication service provider compliance with lawful interception mandates, and assist public sector organizations detect and thwart cyber attacks. Our solutions collect, monitor, and analyze information from virtually any network.
VUPEN is the leading provider of IT intrusion and offensive cyber security capabilities. VUPEN provides private and highly sophisticated exploits (attack/infection vectors) specifically designed for the Intelligence community, LEAs, and national security agencies to help them remotely and covertly install any monitoring software on target computers, laptops, and mobile devices during lawful intercept and criminal investigation missions.
VUPEN’s industry-recognized vulnerability research and exclusive exploits target a wide range of software and operating systems, take advantage of undisclosed “zero-day” vulnerabilities, and bypass all modern security protections and exploit mitigation technologies such as DEP, ASLR, sandboxes and Antivirus products.
For more information: http://www.vupen.com
NSA social spy network Facebook
to track individuals across photos,
videos with facial recognition
J. D. HeyesNatural News
June 24, 2012
Have you ever been “tagged” by someone – a friend, a co-worker, or perhaps someone you don’t really know that well but who may be a friend of a friend – on Facebook? You may want to rethink that whole concept, thanks to a little purchase the social media giant made recently.
Facebook has purchased Face.com’s facial recognition technology, which techies say will make it faster and easier to tag photos, but which privacy experts say could become an issue, according to a report in InformationWeek.
The social media company, whose stock price has steadily fallen since its initial public offering in mid-May, paid between $55-60 million for the Israeli-developed mobile recognition technology, Techcrunch.com, adding that it “could potentially allow you to upload a photo to Facebook while on the go, instantly receive suggestions of whom to tag, and confirm the tags with one click.”
“This is important to Facebook because right now there’s probably a ton of untagged mobile photos getting posted. Those are lost opportunities for engagement because when you get notified that you’ve been tagged in a photo, you probably visit Facebook immediately to check it. These tags also help Facebook understand who a photo is relevant to, so it can feature it in the news feeds of your closest friends,” Techcrunch.com reported.
There is something sinister here
In addition to the new programming, Facebook launched a new app – Facebook Camera – in late May, which is described as “a standalone photos app where you can shoot, filter, and share single or sets of photos and scroll through a feed of photos uploaded to Facebook by your friends.”
What makes Facebook’s purchase of facial recognition tools even more ominous is the company’s earlier $1 billion purchase of Instagram, which, Techcrunch.com notes, can be tied to Face.com’s program.
How good is this technology? Think three letters: “C-I-A.”
Face.com’s technology allows users to recognize faces even when conditions are poor, such as low lighting. So now Facebook has a) a super-advanced facial recognition program; b) a brand-new camera app; and c) the ability to post photos instantly.
All because the company believes the “next big thing” in social media is being able to post pictures in real-time so that your friends can quickly latch onto them?
Maybe, but this is pretty high-tech stuff for a social media site and, given Facebook’s (and Google’s, and other sites’) penchant for ripping off your personal information and invading your privacy, there is plenty here for concern.
No doubt the additions will make it easier for Facebook users to identify friends in photos and video – especially those on mobile devices – and that businesses could benefit by being able to better track “when and where their products are being talked about and promoted, especially with the rise of social sharing sites like Pinterest,” InformationWeek reported.
But at what cost to privacy? And how much easier will these technology additions make it for government snoops to “tag” and track you?
To tag or not to tag?
“Facebook’s page on photo tagging provides advice to users on how to limit or eliminate visibility of photos they are tagged in, as well as on how to remove tags, but the process can quickly become complicated and hard to keep up with,” says the IW report. “Businesses must take care to ensure that increased use of tagging does not result in increased privacy concerns for customers.”
There is legitimate concern this technology will most likely be used to deepen network databases already developed to conduct passive domestic surveillance on Americans by documenting relationships between people.
Imagine being “tagged” in a photo of someone who, without your knowledge, is involved in criminal activity. Since you are tied to that person, will that be justification for authorities to pry through your personal life, which they will justify by saying they were only trying to conduct a “thorough investigation?”
Think before you tag (or allow yourself to be tagged).
Similar/Related Articles/InfoWars:
- Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature
- Facebook Buys Facial Recognition Startup Face.com
- Facebook Uses Face Detection Technology on Photos
- Facial recognition technology poses privacy concerns
- Increasing use of facial recognition software spurs privacy concerns
- Facial recognition advertising hits digital displays
- Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying
- NYPD uses facial recognition software to link FACEBOOK photo to suspect
- New South Wales Government recording features for facial recognition
- Facial recognition technology to detect “problem gamblers”
- FBI to launch nationwide facial recognition service
- Facebook Buys, Then Kills New Social Network Gowalla
- Ericsson tjänar hundratals
Företag som säljer övervakningssystem för datainsamling av medborgarnas kommunikation inom EU:
- *Ericsson med ADRS, Automtatic Data Retention Solution.
- *HP med Dragon, Data Retention and Guardian Online.
- *IBM med Sonas, Scale Out Network Attached Storage,
- *RSA med Envision.
- *Arcsight med Logger.
Ericsson skriver på sin hemsida om ADRS att det är skräddarsytt för EU-direktivet.
Länk till Ericssons system:
Ericssons övervakningssystem fungerar i alla länder som har samma upplägg som Sverige – att operatörerna ansvarar för lagringen.
Ericssons ADRS fungerar också i länder som tillåter en myndighet att samla in informationen från operatörerna och lagra den.
Ericsson har bland annat tecknat avtal med mobiljätten Vodafone om sitt ADRS-system.
Marknaden värd över 1 miljard kronor enbart i Sverige, enligt branschorganisationen IT & Telekomföretagen.
“Och det är bara startkostnaden för att köpa in de nya system som krävs för att leva upp till den nya datalagringslagen.”
–”Från en artikel i Ny Teknik”–
London's CCTV surveillance
in place for Olympics - video
Matthew Taylor guardian.co.uk, Sunday 13 May 2012
Matthew Taylor walks down Regent Street in central London to test the new network of CCTV cameras put in place by Westminster council ahead of the Olympics.
The Olympic security operation will see tens of thousands of troops and private security guards working alongside police officers and the security services
Spioner och digital övervakning 2012
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