fredag 22 juni 2012

Mossad, CIA och Blackwater krigar i Syrien

USA och NATO beväpnar terrorister i hela regionen

Publicerades den 7 jun 2012 av
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization weighs in on the insurrectionary nature of the Syrian conflict and its potential to generate a larger regional conflict in the Middle East.

As the Syrian crisis enters its 16th month, the recent massacres in Houla and Hama have revived calls for foreign intervention and the toppling of President Bashar al-Assad.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has recently hinted that the United States would soon take action outside of the Annan plan and the authority of the United Nations if the persistent violence in Syria continued unabated.

While the Syrian opposition severs its commitment to uphold Kofi Annan's peace plan and openly calls for a UN- no-fly zone to replace the monitoring mission, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced a new transition plan that would remove Assad from power completely.

As outside forces plan a post-Assad transition strategy, the people of Syria are fast approaching a historic crossroads, of which may lead to a broader sectarian conflict that would forever reshape the Middle East.

Members of the Free Syrian Army patrol an area in Qusayr, 15 kms
(nine miles) from Homs. (AFP Photo / STR / Ahmed Jadallah)

Mossad, CIA and Blackwater operate in Syria - report

RT 07 Mars 2012
A security operation in Homs reveals Mossad, CIA and Blackwater are involved in the military violence in this part of Syria, as over 700 Arab and Western gunmen and Israeli, American and European-made weapons were detained in Baba Amr district.

­Syrian security forces got yet further proof of Western powers’ military involvement in Syria’s internal conflict, reports Al-Manar, a news agency, affiliated with Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based militant group and political party.

Around 700 gunmen were recently arrested in the former rebel stronghold of Babar Amr.

“The captured gunmen held Arab nationalities, including Gulf, Iraqi, and Lebanese. Among them were also Qatari intelligence agents and non-Arab fighters from Afghanistan, Turkey, and some European countries like France,” the agency quotes Syrian expert in strategic affairs Salim Harba as saying.

Harba also confirmed to the agency that “a coordination office was established in Qatar under American-Gulf sponsorship. The office includes American, French, and Gulf – specifically from Qatar and Saudi Arabia – intelligence agents, as well as CIA, Mossad, and Blackwater agents and members of the Syrian Transitional Council.”

The Syrian expert also added the security forces have also seized Israeli-, European- and American-made weapons.

“The Syrian army also uncovered tunnels and equipments there,” he told to the agency, “advanced Israeli, European, and American arms that have not yet been tested in the countries of manufacture, in addition to Israeli grenades, night binoculars, and communication systems were confiscated by the security forces.”

Salim Harba however said the Syrian authorities are not planning to reveal all the obtained information now, but assured all the evidence is of high value.

“The Syrian security forces have documents and confessions that could harm everyone who conspired against Syria, and could make a security and political change, not just on the internal Syrian level, but also on the regional level,” he said.

The recent Stratfor leak and hacked email of the company’s director of analysis also suggest undercover NATO troops are already on the ground in Syria.

There have been previous allegations of a Western presence on the side of the rebels as 13 French officers were reportedly captured by the loyalist forces earlier in March.

President Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly claimed his regime is fighting not with peaceful protesters as claimed by the West, but with the military gangs supported by the West.

Western powers however have categorically denied any military involvement in Syrian internal conflict.


Syriska rebeller beväpnas av CIA

R.R. 2012-06-21

Syriska rebeller beväpnas under CIA:s kontroll. USA:s centrala underrättelsetjänst har tagit över förmedlingen av vapenleveranser till den syriska oppositionen, meddelar tidningen The New York Times med hänvisning till högstående källor i Washington.

Enligt denna information har en grupp av CIA:s anställda redan under några veckor arbetat i Turkiets södra del. De kontaktar mottagarna för militärutrustningens och hjälper till att leverera det över gränsen. En av leveranskanalerna för rebellerna är Muslimska brödraskapets syriska avdelning.


A portrait of two Free Syrian Army rebels posing with their rifles in Al-Shatouria village
near to the Turkish border in northwest Syria, on March 16, 2012 (AFP Photo / Giogos Moutafis)

WikiLeaked: Ex-Blackwater

‘helps regime change’ in Syria

RT 21 March, 2012

A US government-contracted private security firm is helping the Syrian opposition to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad regime, leaked Stratfor emails indicate. The same firm earlier operated extensively in Libya.

The private military company SCG International had been contracted to engage the Turkey-based Syrian opposition, according to correspondence released by WikiLeaks.

Their assignment was called a “fact finding mission”, but “the true mission is how they can help in regime change,”an email addressed to Stratfor VP for counter-terrorism Fred Burton says.

The source reporting the info is most reliable – it is SCG Chief Executive James F. Smith, who used to be director of notorious company Blackwater, now known as Academi. In a separate message Smith introduces himself to Stratfor as having background in CIA and heading a company “comprised of former DOD, CIA and former law enforcement personnel.”

SCG’s mission with the Syrian opposition is said to have “air cover from Congresswoman [Sue] Myrick,” a Republican lawmaker from North Carolina, who is a member of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The body is charged with overseeing the American intelligence community.

The email adds that Smith “intends to offer his services to help protect the opposition members, like he had underway in Libya.”

Smith has an extensive record of sharing intelligence with Stratfor, according the Al-Akhbar, the Lebanese daily newspaper, which is one of the media outlets chosen by WikiLeaks as an information partner for disclosure of private Stratfor emails.

The security contractor provided insider data on services he provided to members of the Libyan National Transitional Council during the 2011 uprising, the search for the portable surface-to-air missiles that went missing during the civil war there, and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, among other things.

The trail on email ends in mid-December, days before Stratfor mail servers were reportedly hacked by the hacking group Anonymous. The WikiLeaks whistleblower website began publishing the emails, apparently handed over to it by the hacker team, in late February.

The US has been increasingly dependent on private contractors like SCG, outsourcing functions to them that were previously fulfilled by regular troops. Employees of these “modern mercenaries” provide services like personal and area security, intelligence gathering and recruit training in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Critics of the practice say such firms lack accountability and allow the government to carry out “black op” tasks while being able to deny any involvement.


*Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council leaves Bilderberg 2012.

----Syria unrest på RT----

Revealed: CIA secretly operates on Syrian border, supplies arms to rebels

American secret service operatives are distributing illegal assault rifles, anti-tank rocket launchers and other ammunition to Syrian opposition, the New York Times reports. But due to some rebels’ links to Al Qaeda, the CIA’s task is precarious.

Stratfor leaks: NATO commandos in illegal special ops in Syria

Undercover NATO troops are already in Syria despite denials from their parent governments, according to a leaked brief from a highly-placed analyst.

‘CIA, MI6 and Mossad: Together against Syria’

The West is doing its best to destabilize the situation in Syria, author and journalist Webster Tarpley told RT. According to him, civilians have to deal with death squads and blind terrorism, which is typical of the CIA.

McCain calls for US-led strikes on Syria without UN mandate

Who needs diplomacy, or international law? Not former presidential candidate (R-AZ) John McCain, who became the first senator to publicly call for a US-led military strike on Syria in order to halt the nearly year-long conflict there.

13 undercover French army officers seized in Syria – report

Thirteen French officers have been captured by the Syrian Army, according to Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper. It claims it received the information from a pro-Syrian Palestinian in Damascus.

British, Qatari troops already waging secret war in Syria?

British and Qatari troops are directing rebel ammunition deliveries and tactics in the bloody battle for Homs, according to an Israeli website known for links to intelligence sources.

France, US arming Syrian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles – report

A general in the opposition militia known as the Free Syria Army has told journalists that the rebels have received French and American military assistance, amid reports of worsening violence in the stricken nation.

Homs rebels: Army must leave, or we’ll start killing civilians (Op-Ed)

A peace activist is claiming the Syrian Army is reinforcing with heavy weapons and locating snipers at the borders with Lebanon and Turkey while clashes continue in villages in central Syria.

Putin on Syria: No state can decide another's government

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s G20 statements about Syria's future seem to have made some world leaders rush to false conclusions. David Cameron claimed that Putin explicitly “does not want Assad remaining in charge in Syria.”

Not ‘if’ but ‘when’: US intervention in Syria on countdown

A delegation from Syrian opposition is reportedly in talks with US officials over the targets they want to attack to weaken the Syrian government and the arms they want America to provide to do it. A “Libya lite” operation in Syria may be imminent.

Pentagon finishes contingency plans for Syria invasion

Officials with the US Department of Defense have confirmed that the Pentagon has finalized procedures that outline how American forces could soon combat the government of war-torn Syria and officially involve itself in that state’s bloody uprising.

Israel may use military force ‘to secure’ Syria’s alleged chemical arsenal

The Israeli army is considering using military force to prevent Syria’s alleged chemical warfare stockpiles from getting into the hands of Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda. Tel-Aviv believes that Damascus is no longer capable of securing its arsen

No-fly zone on the horizon in Syria?

As international pressure against Syrian regime is ratcheting up France has urged to use UN-sanctioned force to implement Kofi Annan peace plan with a no-fly zone being an option.


Michel Chossudovsky:

US-Sponsored Gangs Committed Houla Massacre

Publicerades den 18 jun 2012 av

Syria is now in a full-scale civil war, UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous has said. Syria says what's going on is not a civil war but Syria fighting armed terrorists, in which Russia has accused outside elements of arming these armed terrorists.

Meanwhile, the United States has accused Russia of supplying arms to the govt. of President Bashar Al Assad. Is it any wonder why joint UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan's 6 point plan has failed, one which all sides have said they are committed to? In this news analysis, we'll be discussing Syria, and the roles of different countries to get a sense of what's really occurring on the ground.

The Arab League has called on Nilesat and Arabsat to close down satellite channel broadcasts from Syria at a time when new massacres have been predicted by the US.

Press TV has interviewed Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal, about what has already become an illegal war of sorts against the sovereign state of Syria; about the atrocities being committed against innocent civilians in Syria; who is causing them and why. The following link contains an approximate transcript of the interview:

Originally aired on PressTV, June 13, 2012


USA bekräftar att CIA står bakom vapenleveranser till Syriens opposition

RR 2012-06-22CIA:s medarbetare koordinerar leveransen av vapen och ammunition till den syriska oppositionen. Denna information bekräftas av en källa i USA:s administration. Organisationens agenter befinner sig i södra Turkiet vid Syriens gräns och bestämmer hur och vart de vill leverera vapen.

CIA godkänner vapenleveranser till de beväpnade grupper som kämpar mot al-Assads regim. Som resultat får rebellerna automatiskt vapen, granatkastare, ammunition och antipansarvapen.

Flera förmedlare från Muslimska brödraskapet sägs transportera vapnet över gränsen. Det är Turkiet, Saudiarabien och Qatar som betalar för hela saken.

Amerikanska spejare har också koll på att vapnet inte hamnar till Al-Qaida. Det att oppositionens verksamhet blir allt aktivare har dock tydligt samband med Al-Qaidas stöd. Massmord i städerna Homs och Hama som inträffade i slutet av maj och början av juni har mycket gemensamt med Al-Qaidas terrortaktik, tycker en hel rad experter.

Det att amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten står bakomvapenleveranserna har varit klart sedan länge.

Nu är det etablerade källor inom USA:s administration som bekräftar den här informationen.

Allt detta är bara en del av den stora kampanjen, vilkens mål är att omstörta Basjar al-Assad, tycker Evgenij Satanovskij, expert för Främre Orientens problem:

– Libyska rebeller förflyttar sig till Syrien genom Turkiet och Jordanien på Qatars bekostnad.

Beväpningen, däribland vapen från Balkanska halvön, kommer till Syrien genom Turkiet, Libanon, Jordanien och Irak och det är Saudiarabien som betalar för detta.

Väst har börjat en intensiv ideologisk attack genom att ständigt påstå i olika slags massmedier att den nuvarande regimen i Syrien ska omstörtas. Denna strategi dominerar idag. Det är klart att både Doha och Riyadh genomför en stor kampanj mot Iran samt mot shiamuslimer och profana regimer i arabiska världen.

Al-Assads likvidering i Syrien bara utgör en del av den här kampanjen.

Några källor i USA:s administration meddelar också rebellerna kan snart få tillgång till den information om regeringstruppernas placering och förflyttning som kommer från satelliter.

Allt detta gav Rysslands utrikesminister Sergej Lavrov möjligheten att jämföra situationen kring Syrien med statskuppen i Libyen. Han pekade på att Frankrike öppet sa att det beväpnade libyska rebeller trots det totala embargot. Detsamma gjorde Persiska vikens länder.

Nu kan man se samma situation i Syrien. Därför tvekade Sergej Lavrov att Väst och Persiska vikens länder kommer att hålla embargo gällande konfliktens alla sidor. Utan detta kan man dock inte avgöra konflikten.

Det klart att om väst fortsätter leverera vapen till rebellerna medan embargot mot regeringen hålls ordentligt kan detta leda till inbördeskrig. Just detta håller på att pågå i Syrien.


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