I demokratins och frihetens land, USA, stoppades och förhördes en ung flicka för att hon hade arabisk text på sin T-shirt. Och det var inte på 1800-talet på en slavplantage i ödemarken, utan nyligen i New York...
Girl is Stopped and Interrogated by NYPD for Wearing Shirt With Arabic Writing
Filming cops 2015-09-28
It was a typical warm September afternoon in New York, Miru Kim was walking back home with her dog Guinness, a large Canaan-mix, when he started barking loudly at another dog.
Just as she managed to calm him down, two police officers approached her.
She thought they were wondering why her dog was getting agitated.
However, they were more concerned about her t-shirt -a thought that did not even cross her mind.
It turned out that Kim had been wearing a black top with Arabic script on it.
One of the officers, the larger and more intimidating of the two, asked her what the writing on her T-shirt meant.
So Kim explained to him that it was an old T-shirt from a protest group. [...]
Läs mer:
It was a typical warm September afternoon in New York, Miru Kim was walking back home with her dog Guinness, a large Canaan-mix, when he started barking loudly at another dog.
Just as she managed to calm him down, two police officers approached her.
She thought they were wondering why her dog was getting agitated.
However, they were more concerned about her t-shirt -a thought that did not even cross her mind.
It turned out that Kim had been wearing a black top with Arabic script on it.
One of the officers, the larger and more intimidating of the two, asked her what the writing on her T-shirt meant.
So Kim explained to him that it was an old T-shirt from a protest group. [...]
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