söndag 13 september 2015

Trollande amerikansk jude bakom muslimskt ISIS Twitterkonto - Lärde Jihadister bombterror

Joshua Ryne Goldberg, en 20-årig amerikansk internet-trollande jude är mannen bakom ett av ISIS Muslimska Jihadist-Twitterkonton...
Goldberg planerade ett flertal terrorattentat åt jihadister på webben under pseudonymen "Australi Witness."

Han misstänks ha lyckats radikalisera de två jihadister som sköts till döds i maj i år vid extremhögerns Muhammedteckningstävling i Texas.

Efteråt välsignade Goldberg de döda männen som martyrer i sina inlägg på webben.

Ett annat planerat terrorattentat skulle skett den 11 september 2015, på årsdagen av 9/11.

Goldberg lärde jihadister på webben att tillverka bomber liknande de som påstås ha använts vid attentatet mot Boston Maraton.

Goldberg  instruerade också att bomberna skulle fyllas med spikar och metallbitar som först doppats i råttgift...


*US man accused of 9/11 memorial bomb plot
A 20-year-old whose online identity was 'Australi Witness' - an ISIS agent apparently living in Perth - has been arrested at his parents' place in Florida over plotting a bomb attack at a 9/11 memorial event.

2015-09-12 theage.com.au
A young Jewish American man has been charged with pretending to be an Australian-based Islamic State jihadist after a FBI joint investigation with the Australian Federal Police based on information provided by Fairfax Media.

Joshua Ryne Goldberg, a 20-year old living at his parents' house in US state of Florida, is accused of posing online as "Australi Witness," an IS supporter who publicly called for a series of attacks against individuals and events in western countries.

In recent days Australi Witness has claimed online that he is working with other jihadists to plan attacks in Australia and the United States. He distributed pictures of a bomb that he was working on with "2 lbs of explosives inside".  [...]
- US Attorney Lee Bentley III, said Goldberg instructed a confidential source how to make a bomb similar to two used in the Boston Marathon bombings two years ago that killed three people and injured more than 260 others.

- He allegedly instructed someone how to fill the bomb with nails, metal and other items dipped in rat poison.

Australi Witness's online actions might have had fatal real-world consequences in May.
In the leadup to an exhibition in Garland, Texas, at which pictures of the Prophet Mohammed were to be displayed, "Australi Witness" tweeted the event's address and reposted a tweet urging people to go there with "weapons, bombs or with knifes".

Two Muslim men attempted an attack at the exhibition, and were killed by police. Australi Witness then praised them online as martyrs.  [...]

Trollande amerikansk jude bakom muslimskt ISIS Twitterkonto - Lärde Jihadister bombterror  
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

5 kommentarer:

  1. Förutsägbar "Beställningsterror" i Texas - Agenter, Krigsaktivister och Syndabockar igen


  2. http://experimentlandet.blogg.se/2015/september/is-ar-sionisternas-duktiga-idioter.html


  3. FBI says 'Australian IS jihadist' is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg

    12 Sep 2015

    A young Jewish American man has been charged with pretending to be an Australian-based Islamic State jihadist after a FBI joint investigation with the Australian Federal Police based on information provided by Fairfax Media.

    Early on Friday, Australian time, Goldberg, who is non-Muslim and has no real-world links with extremism, was arrested at his home by Florida police for "distribution of information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction".


  4. ZOG:

    "Netanyahu: We need pact to preserve Jewish IsraelPM in London says solution to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians is “a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes a Jewish state, the nation state of the Jewish people.”





    The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko after Speaking about 9/11 WTC 7 Building 7

    http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2015/9/11/australian-is-jihadist-is-actually-an-american-jew-named-goldberg - " Florida Jew arrested for posing as online jihadist, encouraging terrorism http://www.timesofisrael.com/florida-jew-arrested-for-posing-as-online-jihadist-encouraging-terrorism/ e FBI arrested a 20-year-old American Jewish man for posing as an Islamic State extremist, calling for terrorist attacks, claiming to be planning attacks in Australia and the United States, and providing information on bomb construction to a second party. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the same man, who it named as Florida resident Joshua Ryne Goldberg, also posed as a respected Australian lawyer in April to maliciously post a racist blog post on The Times of Israel. Goldberg was arrested at his home by Florida police for alleged “distribution of information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction,” the Herald reported Friday. He faces up to 20 years in jail if convicted".


    1. WTC-7 911 "The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko"

      Rivningsexperten Danny Jowenko dog plötsligt efter sitt 9/11-avslöjande:




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