lördag 12 september 2015

Amerikanska gick omkring med laddad pistol i VAGINAN - eller hur Smith & Wesson fick PUSSY

Ashley Cecilia Castaneda, en 31-årig amerikanska från Texas avslöjades nyligen gå omkring med en fullt skjutklar och laddad pistol kaliber 22, i sin vagina. Ashley hade tidigare arresterats för knarkinnehav vid en trafikkontroll i Waco. Under transporten till häktet så bekände den uppfinningsrika damen plötsligt sina vaginala synder för de aningen förvånade poliserna...
Den laddade pistolen "återvanns" till slut efter en djupgående undersökning av energiska kvinnliga poliser med plasthandskar.

Ashley Cecilia Castaneda blev utöver knarkåtalet även åtalad för att olagligen bära ett dolt vapen.

I och för sig så föreskriver väl inte den amerikanska konstitutionen att pistoler måste förvaras i hölster, men att vapnet var väl dolt blir väl sannolikt svårt att bortförklara för försvarsadvokaten...

Vagina-pistolen hade enligt polisen en kula i loppet, klar att avfyra. Det är oklart om vapnet var säkrat eller inte.
Något som är solklart är att Smith & Wesson fick rikligt med "pussy" den dagen...
Hidden & dangerous: Texas police confiscate handgun from woman's vagina
RT 2015-09-09
A routine traffic stop in Waco, Texas, led to a rather eventful night for the officers involved. The cops confiscated methamphetamine from underneath the driver's seat, as well as a loaded gun...from somewhere more intimate.

Gabriel Garcia, 30, was initially pulled over for a traffic violation on Monday night. But he wasn't able to drive off with just a ticket – because his crime went well beyond merely running a stop light.

During the stop, officers found 2.7 grams of methamphetamine under the driver's seat of the 1998 Toyota Land Rover. Garcia was then put under arrest on a charge of possession of methamphetamine in a drug-free zone. Police say the stop was within 1,000 feet of an elementary school.

An additional 29.5 grams of methamphetamine and a set of digital weighing scales were found in the purse of the female passenger, 31-year-old Ashley Cecilia Castaneda. She was arrested on the same charge as Garcia.

- But while authorities were transporting Castaneda to the McLennan County Jail, she confessed a secret – she was carrying a loaded .22-caliber Smith and Wesson semiautomatic handgun inside her vagina.

The officers stopped the car and called for a female officer, who retrieved the gun. The weapon was fully loaded, including a round in the chamber, Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, as cited by the Waco
Tribune-Herald. Authorities did not say whether the safety mechanism was engaged.

The stunt led to Castaneda also being charged with unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon.

“It was a safety concern for the victim who had a loaded firearm inside her body,” Swanton said. “Depending on a number of factors, that gun could have gone off by body movements or compression of the trigger.”

Bonds for Castaneda and Garcia were set at $31,000 and $10,000, respectively.
 Amerikanska gick omkring med laddad pistol i VAGINAN - eller hur Smith & Wesson fick PUSSY 
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. Cops Throw Innocent Woman in Mental Hospital Because they Didn’t Believe She Owned a BMW

    Cops didn't believe this woman owned a BMW and was a banker, so they kidnapped, drugged her, and held her in a psych ward for more than a week. They were wrong.




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