måndag 7 september 2015

DÄRFÖR drömmer även Indianerna om att bli "DET UTVALDA FOLKET!"

Det rapporteras i USA att afroamerikaner inte längre är den grupp som dödas oftast av landets polis. Ursprungsbefolkningen dödas fortfarande i överlägset större omfattning av polisen än någon annan grupp.
- Så, drömmer kanske även Amerikas indianer om att få bli "DET UTVALDA FOLKET..?"

American Holocaust of Native American Indians
(FULL Documentary)

Police are Killing Native Americans at Higher Rate than Any Race, and Nobody is Talking About It
2015-08-02 The Free Thought Project
The racial group most likely to be killed by law enforcement is Native Americans. While Native Americans only make up 0.8 percent of the population, they make up 1.9 percent of all police killings.
According to a report by the Lakota People’s Law Project, 
Despite gaining citizenship rights in 1924, Native Americans have yet to see the day that they enjoy benefits of a nation which boasts “liberty and justice for all.”
Unsettling reports of unfair treatment towards Native peoples by law enforcement are not isolated incidents—rather they are endemic of a deeply discriminatory justice system.
- Native American men are admitted to prison at four times the rate of white men and Native women at six-fold the rate of white women. 

Additionally, Native Americans are the racial group most likely to be killed by law enforcement.

Americans are up in arms right now over the near epidemic number of deaths of African-American at the hands of police, and rightfully so.

African-Americans make up only 13 percent of the population, yet they are the victims in 26 percent of all police shootings. That is nearly 3 times the rate of whites. [...]
Läs mer:


History Teacher Denies Native American Genocide, Native Student Disagrees and Gets Expelled  
 DÄRFÖR drömmer även Indianerna om att bli "DET UTVALDA FOLKET!"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

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