fredag 10 oktober 2014

Socker eller hälsa? - Forskare avslöjar hemligheter som inte är söta... (dokumentär)

Hur farligt är socker för hälsan? Väldigt många drycker och färdigförpackade matvaror i butikerna innehåller orimligt stora mängder socker. Ett antal forskare ställer frågan om socker en bidragande faktor till flera av samhällets allvarliga sjukdomar? - Socker och hälsa? - En videodokumentär om sockrets hemligheter som inte är så söta...

The Secrets Of Sugar - Documentary 

Publicerades den 9 jun 2014
We've heard for years about the dangers of eating too much fat or salt. But there have never been recommended limits for sugar on Canadian food labels, despite emerging research that suggests the sweet stuff may be making more of us fat and sick.
Has the sugar industry been hiding an unsavoury truth from consumers?

- A small but influential group of medical researchers is stirring up the health debate, linking sugar not just to rising obesity rates but also to a host of diseases including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.

We put a family of four on a healthy diet to try to beat their sugar habit and track the surprising results. We talk to leading scientists -- and their critics. And we ask the food industry why those ingredient labels are far from clear when it comes to how much sugar is really on your plate.
Socker eller hälsa? - Forskare avslöjar hemligheter som inte är söta... (dokumentär)

1 kommentar:

  1. Sugar as a Source of Disease

    Via: Medical Xpress:

    Is sugar making us sick? A team of scientists at the University of California in San Francisco believes so, and they’re doing something about it. They launched an initiative to bring information on food and drink and added sugar to the public by reviewing more than 8,000 scientific papers that show a strong link between the consumption of added sugar and chronic diseases.

    The common belief until now was that sugar just makes us fat, but it’s become clear through research that it’s making us sick. For example, there’s the rise in fatty-liver disease, the emergence of Type 2 diabetes as an epidemic in children and the dramatic increase in metabolic disorders.[...]



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