Även i Sverige så var nazister med krigserfarenhet eftertraktade som instruktörer för svenska försvaret.
- Nazi war criminals were recruited by CIA, FBI by the hundreds
Publicerades den 27 okt 2014
In the decades following World War II, US spy agencies recruited more than 1,000 Nazi’s to use in America’s shadow war against the Soviet Union, according to reporting by New York Time’s journalist Eric Lichtblau. In his report, the journalist outlines the use of the former members of Hitler’s regime, and how leading officials thought their assets’ intelligence value outweighed their prior “moral lapses.”
- RT’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at the surprising new information.
- How America Recruited, Protected and Pay Nazis to This Day
Publicerades den 27 okt 2014
Abby Martin takes a look at two recent investigative reports from the Associated Press and New York Times, uncovering the recruitment of Nazi spies for the CIA and the US’ policy of giving social security payments to former Nazi leadership.***
[...]- The first public evidence of these facts appeared in the 1970s but recently disclosed archives show that the number of recruited Nazis was much higher than thought before and the government was trying to conceal this until recently.***
Norman Goda, a historian on the declassification team, says a complete count is impossible as many records still remain classified.
“US agencies directly or indirectly hired numerous ex-Nazi police officials and East European collaborators who were manifestly guilty of war crimes,” he said. “Information was readily available that these were compromised men.”[...]
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

Och den som sponsrade kalla krigets båda stormakter var......trumvirvel....
RaderaEnligt en av grundarna till ett av Sveriges största partier idag så är alla riksdagspartier infiltrerade av nazister, 5-15 % av medlemsstocken i partierna är nazister. Så dom vet hur de ska överleva, infiltrera och framförallt manipulera. Sverige är inget undantag.