...Och de små hundarna viftade glatt på sina svansar och kom nyfiket närmare eftersom "farbror polisen" gjorde gulliga lockljud med munnen... (- Vad hände sen? - video)
De små vänliga vovvarna var en amerikansk familjs bästa vänner och de hade bara tillfälligt rymt från familjens inhägnade gård när de inte var hemma. Men polisen i USA löste snabbt och smidigt problemet med de små vovvarna ...
As recorded on his body-camera, the Cleburne officer then began coaxing the dogs over to him by making kissing sounds, which can be heard in the video.
READ MORE: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/cl...
De små vänliga vovvarna var en amerikansk familjs bästa vänner och de hade bara tillfälligt rymt från familjens inhägnade gård när de inte var hemma. Men polisen i USA löste snabbt och smidigt problemet med de små vovvarna ...
Officer coaxes friendly pets closer with kissing noises, before opening fire
Publicerades den 19 oktober 2014
READ MORE: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/cl...
CLEBURNE, TX -- Body-cam video shows the moment when an officer coaxed a family dog toward him before raising his weapon and firing.
The incident took place on August 10, 2014, when dogs belonging to Quinton Tatum and Amanda Henderson escaped from their fenced-in yard while the married couple was not at home. Some neighbors called the government to complain that the dogs were loose and interfering with them walking from their car to their house.
CLEBURNE, TX -- Body-cam video shows the moment when an officer coaxed a family dog toward him before raising his weapon and firing.
The incident took place on August 10, 2014, when dogs belonging to Quinton Tatum and Amanda Henderson escaped from their fenced-in yard while the married couple was not at home. Some neighbors called the government to complain that the dogs were loose and interfering with them walking from their car to their house.
- After getting his face licked by one of the 3 dogs, the Cleburne officer searched the back yard to find the other dogs playing in a nearby irrigation ditch between the homes.
As recorded on his body-camera, the Cleburne officer then began coaxing the dogs over to him by making kissing sounds, which can be heard in the video.
The dogs respond by wagging their tails and exhibiting very
friendly body language, video shows.
That’s when the officer raises his pistol and began firing. Three shots can be heard, along with a pitiful yelp.
That’s when the officer raises his pistol and began firing. Three shots can be heard, along with a pitiful yelp.
READ MORE: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/cl...
Jag hoppas han hamnar i hundhimlen - snuten, alltså...
SvaraRaderaDet finns även en hel del på webben som hoppas att den snuten hamnar på ett betydligt varmare ställe...
RaderaJag tänkte att hundarna skulle ge honom just ett sånt varmt mottagande...
SvaraRadera...och det finns nog massor av hundar (och hundägare) som står i kö för att hjälpa till att göra mottagandet extra varmt:)