Den översta 1%-eliten i USA kontrollerar avsevärt mer av landets resurser än motsvarande elit i det gamla Romerska imperiet. Rapporten från Zero Hedge kommer till slutsatsen att dagens USA är mer ojämlikt än det gamla Romerska imperiet (slavar inräknat)...
Chris Hedges:
- The American Empire Is Dead - How Corporations & Finance Have Ruined the U.S. (2009)
(Publicerades den 1 jan 2014)
På bilden från Zero Hedge kan man följa den översta elitens dominans och förmögenheter i USA under olika epoker i historien, i förhållande till det Romerska Imperiet...
Source: Zero Hedge
As we previously noted, only the highest income earners have seen any gains in compensation since the crisis began around 2007 to the current 'recovery' tops.
It is perhaps not entirely surprising then that, the total income controlled by the Top 1% is drastically above that of the slave-included times of Ancient Rome and as high as the peak in the roaring 20s.
Current inequality is almost 50% worse than in Ancient Rome and as large as the end of the roaring 20s...
Läs mer:
Fattigdom det bästa som hänt mänskligheten - "Motiverar pöbeln att anstränga sig lite mer..."
2014-01-20. OXFAM, en internationell organisation som arbetar för att minska fattigdomen i världen, skriver i en ny rapport att 85 rika personer äger lika mycket som 3,5 miljarder fattiga...
Social Experiment:
Chris Hedges:
- The American Empire Is Dead - How Corporations & Finance Have Ruined the U.S. (2009)
(Publicerades den 1 jan 2014)
På bilden från Zero Hedge kan man följa den översta elitens dominans och förmögenheter i USA under olika epoker i historien, i förhållande till det Romerska Imperiet...
The US Is Now 50% More Unequal Than Ancient Rome (And That Includes Slaves)
***Source: Zero Hedge
As we previously noted, only the highest income earners have seen any gains in compensation since the crisis began around 2007 to the current 'recovery' tops.
It is perhaps not entirely surprising then that, the total income controlled by the Top 1% is drastically above that of the slave-included times of Ancient Rome and as high as the peak in the roaring 20s.
Current inequality is almost 50% worse than in Ancient Rome and as large as the end of the roaring 20s...
Läs mer:
Fattigdom det bästa som hänt mänskligheten - "Motiverar pöbeln att anstränga sig lite mer..."
Publicerades den 23 jan 2014
Abby Martin calls out TV show host Kevin O'Leary, for his callous celebration of the latest Oxfam statistics on the widening gap between the world's rich and poor.Vidareläsning:
Avslöjat: Världens 85 RIKASTE äger lika mycket som världens 3,5 miljarder FATTIGASTE
Social Experiment:
- Will People Help The Homeless After Saying They Will?
Publicerades den 1 okt 2014 WeAreChange
In this video Luke Rudkowski and Carey Wedler do a social experiment about homelessness and what people not only believe on the issue but what they actually do about it. In my time in L.A we met April who we became friends with and agreed to do this social experiment with.***
Rapport: Dagens USA mer ojämlikt än det gamla Romerska imperiet (*slavar inräknat)
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