söndag 19 augusti 2012

USA har idag skrämmande likheter med Nazi-Tyskland på 30-talet

- USA börjar likna
Nazi-Tyskland på 30-talet
...och Sverige följer gärna efter...

  • The U.S.A. recently expanded its definition of "terrorist" to include peaceful protesters - "Low level terrorism".

Under the new NDAA legislation, the U.S became a police state - citizens and foreigners can be arrested without warrant and indefinite detention applies.

The U.S.A is in the top 5 countries for killing its own citizens, and the only Western country in that top 5.

The US Grand Jury convenes in secret. There are 4 prosecutors, no defence, and no judge. It can issue indictments for Extradition with no proper legal process.

In 1971 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it legal to publish classified documents. Obama is now trying to label media who do so as terrorists.

 Modifications to the act included changing "protection from death penalty" to "likelihood the death penalty would be carried out".

Even Minor Offences under the new Extradition Amendments are punished with up to 12 months imprisonment.

The UK/US Bilateral Treaty allows the U.S.A to extradite from the UK without any prima facie case (i.e. evidence).

Källa: Christine Assanges facts about  the US.

OCCUPY MOVEMENT ="Low level terrorism"



USA = Militariserad Polisstat

http://undermattan.blog.com USA har idag skrämmande likheter med Nazi-Tyskland på 30-talet

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