torsdag 16 augusti 2012

Ecuador gjorde det rätta - i motsats till de nya slyngelstaterna...

Rättsmedvetna människor från hela världen stöder beslutet om asyl.

Ecuador gjorde det rätta
- folket i landet stolta över beslutet

Assange beviljades tillslut asyl av Ecuador. Beslutet kom nästen två månader efter att han flytt till Ecuadors ambassad i London för att undvika utlämnas till Sverige och sedan vidare till USA.


Sverige är inte att lita på. Statskontrollerad media och lydiga s.k. journalister säger naturligtvis motsatsen men sanningen idag är att både UK, SWE och US uppfyller alla kriterier för beteckningen slyngel-stat.

Ecuadors utrikesminister Ricardo Patino sade bl.a. att Assange inte kommer att få en rättvis rättegång om han utlämnas till USA.

Sverige har konsekvent vägrat att lämna garantier för att en vidare utlämning till USA inte skulle ske, så ur ett människorättsligt perspektiv är asyl den enda möjligheten.

Svensk media kommer med största sannolikhet att flitigt misskreditera både Ecuador och Assange. Ser man på hur Bradley Manning behandlats och frekvent torterats av amerikanerna, vet man att mainstreammedia inte är folkets röst utan bara elitens propagandaorgan.

Mainstream har inte stått upp för Manning och mänskliga rättigheter, varför skulle de då göra det för Assange?

Engelsk polis har nyligen hotat med att storma Ecuadors ambassad i London. Detta fullständigt i strid mot alla internationella avtal. Engelsmännen uppfinner tydligen nya slyngel-lagar på elitens beställning. Meningen var att arrestera Assange inne på ambassaden.


---British threats---

Ecuador claimed they received a “direct” written threat on Wednesday that authorities in London are prepared to storm the Ecuadorian embassy and arrest Assange if he is not delivered into their custody.

The note was delivered to Ecuador's Foreign Ministry and ambassador in London, Patino said.

"You need to be aware that there is a legal base in the UK, the Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987, that would allow us to take actions in order to arrest Mr. Assange in the current premises of the Embassy,” the letter said.

"We sincerely hope that we do not reach that point, but if you are not capable of resolving this matter of Mr. Assange's presence in your premises, this is an open option for us."

“The UK has a legal obligation to extradite Mr. Assange to Sweden to face questioning over allegations of sexual offenses, and we remain determined to fulfill this obligation,” a Foreign Office spokesperson said, adding that the UK is seeking a “diplomatically agreeable solution” to the issue.

The decision to strip the Ecuadorian Embassy of its diplomatic protection has not yet been taken, the spokesperson said: “Under British law we can give them a week’s notice before entering the premises and the embassy will no longer have diplomatic protection. We are not going to do this overnight.”

The threat to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy was “extremely serious” and illegal, WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnnsson told AFP.



Ecuador grants Julian Assange

asylum in dramatic standoff

RT 2012-08-16
Ecuador has granted political asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The decision comes almost two months after the world-famous whistleblower came to the country’s embassy in London seeking protection.

We have decided to grant political asylum to Mr. Assange,” said Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino.

We believe that his fears are legitimate and there are the threats that he could face political persecution.”

The announcement was met with celebrations outside the Ecuadorian embassy as the WikiLeaks founder's supporters began chanting "Hands off Ecuador" and "Assange freedom fighter."

Patino admitted that Julian Assange’s rights are endangered, as he is at high risk of extradition from Sweden to the US. Moreover, Assange’s home country will not provide him with adequate legal protection, he said.

We think [Assange’s] extradition is viable to a country outside the EU,” Patino said at a press conference at the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry.

Judicial evidence clearly demonstrates that given an extradition to the US, Mr. Assange would not have a fair trial, he could be judged by special or military courts, and it is not unlikely to believe he would be treated in a cruel and degrading way, that he would receive a life sentence or death penalty, with which his human rights would not be respected.

Ecuador has confirmed Assange does not have enough protection from Australia where he holds citizenship,” Patino said.

Patino also reiterated Ecuador's offer to allow Sweden to interview Assange in their embassy in London, which was turned down.

Stockholm would neither guarantee that the WikiLeaks founder would not be extradited again once he is on Swedish soil.

We trust that that the UK will offer as soon as possible the guarantee for the safe passage of asylum for Mr Assange and they will respect those international agreements they have signed in the past,” he concluded. [...]


Confirmed: Ecuador grants Julian Assange asylum

Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino's full statement



 Ecuador gjorde det rätta - i motsats till de nya slyngelstaterna...

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