fredag 10 augusti 2012

Loch Ness monstret fångat på bild 2012

Bilden ovanför representerar enligt fotografen den senaste observationen av det notoriskt svårfångade Loch Ness -monstret, även kallat "Nessie". Nessie har en ovana att aldrig visa sitt ansikte...

60-årige George Edwards har ägnat 60 timmar i veckan på sin båt för intensiv monsterjakt. Han påstår att klumpen på bilden utan tvekan föreställer det legendariska monstret, "Nessie".

RT 2012-08-04

Hunting the Loch Ness Monster (Full Documentary) 

Videon publicerades den 26 jun 2013

RT 2012-08-04
The Loch Ness Monster has been finally captured on camera, a Nessie-hunting sailor claims. The photograph was snapped by a sailor who hunted the mysterious creature for twenty-six years.

­George Edwards spent 60 hours a week on his boat Nessie Hunter IV looking for the legendary beast. His efforts have finally paid off, he claims.

“I’m convinced I was seeing Nessie as I believe in these creatures. Far too many people have being seeing them for far too long,”

Edwards said, adding that the first recorded sighting took place in 565AD. Since then, there have been a number of eyewitness reports from people claiming to have seen the Loch Ness Monster.

The 60-year-old Nessie hunter claims he had the once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe the elusive creature for up to ten minutes, after which it “slowly sank below the surface and never resurfaced.”

The sailor waited for nearly nine months to release the photo, taken on a Samsung digital camera. During that time, he sent the picture to US for analysis to make sure the image he captured really was the legendary Nessie.

En modell av Nessie utanför Nessiemuseet / Bild: SR
Monstret "Nessie" simmar vidare...
Some experts believe that the beast represents a line of long-surviving (plea-C-O-sores) plesiosaurs, a type of carnivorous aquatic reptile from millions of years ago.

It was first brought the the world's attention in 1933 and has remained an ongoing phenomenon for almost 80 years.

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