söndag 26 augusti 2012

Tyska PUSSY RIOT (kopior) får 3 års fängelse här i väst?

Tyska PUSSY RIOT -aktivister
får hårdare straff här i väst
än originalet i Ryssland?

RT 2012-08-24
Tre stycken tyska aktivister som utfört en aktion i support till ryska PUSSY RIOT i Kölns katedral, riskerar nu tre år i fängelse efter att katolska kyrkan gått vidare med åtalet. Enligt Tysk lag är upp till tre års fängelse straffet för aktivisternas brott...

Både Amnesty, pop-eliten och diverse mindre kända "do-gooders" här i väst, verkar ha släppt en del tidigare engagemang och istället koncentrerat sig  fullt ut på att stödja punktjejerna PUSSY RIOT:s rätt till att demonstrera mot Putin i ryska kyrkor.

Putin och Rysslands domare har också frekvent utmålats i västmedia som ociviliserade kretiner som utdömt ett perverst fängelsestraff på 2 år, till några unga tjejer som bara uttrycker sin yttrandefrihet...

- Nu har några unga pojkar och en flicka i samma ålder i Tyskland gjort motsvarande, så då vi får väl se hur det står till med den omtalade yttrandefriheten här i väst... :)

- Har knappt sett att händelsen rapporterats överhuvudtaget i västmedia...

UnderMattan-bloggen  har givetvis haft inställningen att den ryska eliten är ett gäng perversa  missfoster som utdömer denna typen av straff för ett brott där ingen och inget skadas mer än stoltheten hos vissa ryska religiösa psykos.

Men bloggen vet också att eliten här i väst är precis lika diaboliskt pervers... De döljer det bara bättre från fårskocken genom påkostade avancerade PR-kampanjer... 

- Hur pass mycket bättre är den västliga s.k. demokratin och yttrandefriheten egentligen idag 2012? 

...Tror inte man skall hålla andan i väntan på det svaret... :(


Pussy Riot 2.0: German Catholic

Church presses charge copycats

RT 2012-08-24
Three years in prison have become a closer prospect for some German followers of Russian punk band Pussy Riot. The Catholic Church has pressed charges against Cologne Cathedral intruders, who now face longer prison terms than their heroes.

­The three protesters have been charged with disturbing a religious service which, according to German law, could mean up to three years in jail.

"The right to demonstration cannot be set above the right to religious freedom and the religious feelings of the congregation,” Cologne Cathedral’s dean told the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper.

Three women from Pussy Riot received a two-year prison sentence for hooliganism over their controversial performance in Russia’s central Cathedral of Jesus Christ the Savior.

"The peace of Cologne Cathedral was disturbed – we can't and won't accept this," said Dean Robert Kleine to the newspaper.

On August 20, three Germans – two men, aged 23 and 25, and a 20-year-old woman – stormed the cathedral in the city of Cologne to stage a performance inside the prayer hall similar to the one by Pussy Riot.

They were dressed Pussy Riot-style, with colored balaclavas covering their heads.

The group was shouting slogans, distributing flyers and singing. They had brought a banner demanding “Free Pussy Riot and all prisoners”.

The show by three Cologne protesters lasted for less than a minute before cathedral wardens dragged them outside.

Several other Pussy Riot protests were registered across Germany on August 20, the day the verdict in the Pussy Riot case was announced.

The bishop of Cologne Cathedral, Heiner Koch, who witnessed the assault on his domain, promised later to include the demonstrators' cause, Pussy Riot and the people of Russia in his service prayer.

The Cologne Pussy Riot followers’ case clearly demonstrates the truth of the adage that “one shall not make for himself an idol” – at least without reading the criminal code first.


Pussy Riot sentenced to two years in jail

A Moscow court has sentenced three members of Pussy Riot to two years in a medium-security prison for hooliganism motivated by religious hatred and enmity.


Några kommentarer på RT:

RT - John Walsh, August 26, 2012, 05:13

Searching Amnesty International's web site, there are 27 items for Pussy Riot, 15 items for Ai Weiwei, 5 items for Bradley Manning and only 1 for Julian Assange, that one item being an attack on the human rights violations in Ecuador, the country granting Assange asylum.  I would say that gives Assange a -1 rating.

- What does this say about the so-called human rights movement?


RT - domovoy, August 26, 2012, 08:03

The type of behavior in this article, if conducted in a court of law or in a hall of legislature would absolutely bring down a substantial penalty, up to a one-way trip to Guantanamo if performed in the USA.

- No qualms about infringement of freedom of speech in those cases?

Uppdatering 2012-08-26

—-”Pussy Riot-medlemmar
har flytt från Ryssland”—-

YLE 2012-08-26

Två av de fem medlemmarna i det regimkritiska punkbandet Pussy Riot uppges ha flytt från Ryssland. Det är bandet själv som uppger det på sitt Twitter-konto.

Ryska myndigheter lyckades gripa och döma bara tre av de fem medlemmar som deltog i den Putinkritiska aktionen i Frälsarkyrkan i Moskva. De tre flickorna dömdes till två års fängelsestraff för en dryg vecka sedan.

Pussy Riot skriver nu på sitt Twitter-konto: “Två av våra medlemmar har framgångsrikt flytt landet. De ska rekrytera utländska feminister för att förbereda nya aktioner”


—-Two wanted Pussy Riot members flee Russia to recruit foreign feminists—-

RT 2012-08-26

Two members of the controversial band Pussy Riot who are wanted by the authorities over their notorious “Punk Prayer” stunt have managed to slip from Russia and are planning to recruit more feminists for their future performances.[...]

A Moscow court recently sentenced three members of Pussy Riot to two years in prison on charges of hooliganism motivated by religious hatred for their performance in the Christ the Savior Cathedral.

Five women took part in the so-called “Punk Prayer,” but the police investigation only revealed the identities of three members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Ekaterina Samutsevich.

The Pussy Riot trial sparked controversy in Russia and abroad. Many public figures, including Madonna and Bjork, sent messages of support to the convicted Pussy Riot girls. The detained members also received the strong support from the general public, with many demonstrations staged throughout the world.

The feminist punk band was founded in 2011. In their blog, the activists stress that the band is not tied to particular persons and they have no leaders, assuring that they will be happy to see new members.

Meanwhile the band has already gained some followers abroad. Three German Pussy Riot copycats face up to three years in prison for staging a similar performance in a Catholic cathedral in the city of Cologne.

http://undermattan.blog.com Tyska PUSSY RIOT (kopior) får 3 års fängelse här i väst?

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