lördag 11 augusti 2012

Orsakar media ett folkmord i Syrien tillsammans med NATO?

:) - SHEEPLE MEDIA - It´s for your own safety...

SYRIA: CNN "reporting" the made up Truth?

File under: - Syria outside the media

NATO Activates Plan for Coup and Genocide in Syria

Webster Tarpley on Press TV July 18, 2012
"NATO Activates Ben Rhodes Plan for Coup and Genocide in Syria; CIA Leads Assault Based on Orchestrated Media Lies, Terrorism"

Tarpley: NATO encouraging unrest in Syria, Tremseh massacre

Webster Tarpley on Press TV july 13 2012
NATO encouraging unrest in Syria, Charlie Skelton of The Guardian Exposes the NATO Networks Spreading Big Lies, massacre in Tremseh


Russia Destroy U.S. Plans To Loot Syria

Publicerades den 18 jul 2012
Great little interview with Dr. E. Michael Jones, the editor of Cultural Wars magazine, South Bend, ‎Indiana, on the current situation in the Middle East and the Ludicrous and Desperate comments, made by Hilarious Hillary Clinton at the Recent "Friends of the Syrian People" meeting in Paris that Russia and China had boycotted..

"I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all - nothing at all - for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime," said the United States Secretary of State.


UK vows $7.8 mln to Syrian rebels,

- US readies more sanctions

‘No winner in Syria’

RT 10 August, 2012, 23:44
Increased Western support for the Syrian rebels comes as Free Syria Army fighters have been forced to pull back from strategic districts in the city of Aleppo, the country’s commercial capital and largest city.

Aleppo became the center of the armed struggle to oust Assad after government forces drove rebel fighters from the capital Damascus this past July.

As the Syrian civil war increasingly shows signs of a proxy war between Sunni and Shiite Islam, Christians and Alawites have also become the victim of sectarian slayings.

With up to 21,000 people dying since the uprising began in March of last year, violence across the country has led nearly 150,000 Syrian to take refuge in abroad, the UN said Friday.

Roughly one-third of total has arrived in neighboring Turkey, with 6,000 Syrians arriving this week alone, Reuters reports.

A UNHCR spokesman said “many of the people are coming from Aleppo and surrounding villages.”

Amidst the bloodshed, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned "there will be no winner in Syria” on Thursday.

“Now, we face the grim possibility of long-term civil war destroying Syria's rich tapestry of interwoven communities," Ki-moon’s statement continued.

The UN secretary’s comments were read by a UN representative at a Tehran meeting attended by 28 states on Thursday, including Russia, China, India, and Jordan. Iran said the participants called for a three-month ceasefire.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi warned those external forces pressuring Damascus were only “worsening the crisis” at a press conference following the meeting. He further implored the Syrian opposition to sit down with the government to “speed up reforms.”

British Foreign Secretary William Hague offered nearly $8 million to Syrian rebels in non-military support while the US prepares new sanctions to target Damascus and its allies.


Lizzie Phelan about the media conspiracy against Syria

Fake videos about Syria (CNN,Al Jazeera,BBC)

The paid "Free Syrian Army".
CNN and Aljazeera didn't show you this.


Syrian Rebel Terrorists Caught Lying to Al-Jazeera and Making Up Stories about what's taking place

Terrorists in Syria prepare another Fake video to show on CNN and AlJazeera.

CNN LIES EXPOSED ! Anderson Cooper and Danny Abdul-Dayem Lying AGAIN!

Israeli-made Weapons seized in Syria - Homs - March 16, 2012 (Israel Arming Terrorists in Syria)

The US/NATO Rebel Opposition Terrorists carry out bombings in Syria - 27 Killed, hundreds injured.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are Trying to Build a New Terrorist Group in Syria

US, Qatar and Saudi Arabia Arming AL-QAEDA Terrorists to commit Terrorism in Syria


Orsakar media ett folkmord i Syrien tillsammans med NATO?

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