En stolt Syrisk moderat rebell på bilden ovanför tillsammans med sina två små flickor på 7 och 9 år. Den moderata rebellen tvingade tillsammans med sin hustru de små flickorna att bli självmordsbombare i kriget mot den syriska regeringen. Den 7-åriga flickan sprängde sig själv i tusen bitar vid ett attentat mot en polisstation. En polis skadades men 7-åringen var den enda som dog. 9-åringen stoppades precis innan hon hann detonera sina bomber...


2016-12-21 Russia Insider
This in fact happened. A former commander with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda's Syria franchise in Damascus instructed his two daughters to die in suicide attacks against regime targets.
The older of the girls was stopped by guards before reaching her target so she is alive. The younger one is sadly dead.
Infowars has a succint report, along with graphics that you may not wish to see:
The girl detonated the bomb at the entrance of Al-Midan police station killing herself in the process while injuring one officer.
Photographs and videos have emerged of the little girls corpse and the destruction of the police station.[...]
Pro-rebel sources have confirmed that the man in question is a former al-Qaeda fighter by the name of Abu Nimr from northern Damascus...[...]
This in fact happened. A former commander with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda's Syria franchise in Damascus instructed his two daughters to die in suicide attacks against regime targets.
The older of the girls was stopped by guards before reaching her target so she is alive. The younger one is sadly dead.
Infowars has a succint report, along with graphics that you may not wish to see:
The girl detonated the bomb at the entrance of Al-Midan police station killing herself in the process while injuring one officer.
Photographs and videos have emerged of the little girls corpse and the destruction of the police station.[...]
Pro-rebel sources have confirmed that the man in question is a former al-Qaeda fighter by the name of Abu Nimr from northern Damascus...[...]
Moderat självmordsdialog översatt från familjevideo:
Mother: No one is too young for Jihad, because now Jihad is a duty for every Muslim. The young, women, men.
Father: you're right, god bless you. May God accept your daughters, may god be pleased with you. Takbir!
Daughters and Mother: Allahu Akbar!
Moderat självmordsdialog översatt från familjevideo:
Mother: No one is too young for Jihad, because now Jihad is a duty for every Muslim. The young, women, men.
Father: you're right, god bless you. May God accept your daughters, may god be pleased with you. Takbir!
Daughters and Mother: Allahu Akbar!
Moderat Rebell i Syrien använde sina 7 och 9-åriga döttrar som självmordsbombare

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
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