- #Pizzagate censureras aktivt av bl.a. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter och givetvis mainstreammedia...
Tack vare Wikileaks senaste "Podestamejl" så har nu även världsledare länkats till ett omfattande internationellt satanistiskt pedofilnätverk för eliten...
- The Pizza-Related Pedophile Ring
Publicerades den 7 nov. 2016 Reality Calls
Including Terasol, Besta Pizza, and Comet Ping Pong, and how each is associated with the Clintons.
WikiLeaks, FBI, list of known pedophile symbols: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/FBI-p...
Recommended viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itWs...
Researchers Include:
PizzaGate - DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta's Emails - Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline: *Titus Frost Youtube
Vigilant Citizen 15 nov 2016
Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal:
WikiLeaks, FBI, list of known pedophile symbols: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/FBI-p...
Recommended viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9itWs...
Researchers Include:
PizzaGate - DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta's Emails - Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline: *Titus Frost Youtube
Vigilant Citizen 15 nov 2016
Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal:
- They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks.Läs mer:
SMOKING GUN: - The Podesta Brothers & Madeleine McCann
Publicerades den 20 nov. 2016 SGTreport.com
circumstantial evidence now suggests that Tony and John Podesta should
be investigated in the case of 3-year old Madeleine McCann who
disappeared from her parents holiday apartment in Portugal on May 3,
2007. Evidence that may implicate the Podesta brother's as being
involved in this case continues to build, and if new information
uncovered by anonymous researchers is true, the Podesta brothers have a
LOT of explaining to do. ***

Inside Comet Ping Pong - video
*Podesta & Clinton, Podesta & Påven, Podesta & Obama...
Läs också Washingtons blog:
9 and 11-minute videos:
hat tip: Fred Burks of www.wanttoknow.info (best overall site for ~100 topics of game-changing importance, including here on this topic)
Truthstream Media’s 11 minute focus on Hillary’s links to pedophilia and satanism:
Please take a look at VigilantCitizen’s damning pictures from whistleblowers documenting .01% pedophilia.
This emerging evidence continues what I last reported on in 2015, and will repost:
3-minute video from Invisible Empire with President Bush, Jr. kissing, fondling and embracing gay male prostitute, Jeff Gannon:
2-minute video: connecting both presidents Bush to Jeff Gannon:
10-minute 2005 Countdown segment on Jeff Gannon acting as a reporter to toss only softball questions:
Läs mer:
Titus Frost länkar om PIZZAGATE:
DC Leaks Pizza Gate: https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/
Wikileaks Podesta Emails: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/...
Andrew Kline owns Besta Pizza: https://steemit.com/wikileaks/@ausbit...
Beyond Borders: http://beyondborders.net/
Comet Ping Pong: http://www.cometpingpong.com/
Comet Ping Pong Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/comet-ping-p...
Comet Ping Pong FB: https://www.facebook.com/cometpingpong/
Besta Pizza Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/besta-pizza-...
FBI Known Pedophilia Symbolism: https://sli.mg/00qA8D
Jimmy Comet Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycomet/...
Julian Treger Insta: https://www.instagram.com/juliantreger/
Charlotte Insta: https://www.instagram.com/charlottedi...
Brian Bakers Insta: https://www.instagram.com/brianbakers/
TransformerDC Insta: https://www.instagram.com/transformerdc/
CBoutlier Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cboutlier/
Victoria Reis Insta: https://www.instagram.com/victorialyn...
Comet Ping Pong Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cometpingpong/
Halien Witch Trials : https://www.instagram.com/witchtrials/
Wild Torus: https://www.instagram.com/wildtorus/

Läs också Washingtons blog:
9 and 11-minute videos:
.01% pedophilia, ‘spirit cooking,’ hidden e-mails as clear-to-see as President W. Bush busted in 2 year affair with gay male prostitute Jeff Gannon ‘crisis acting’ as White House professional media
*** hat tip: Fred Burks of www.wanttoknow.info (best overall site for ~100 topics of game-changing importance, including here on this topic)
Truthstream Media’s 11 minute focus on Hillary’s links to pedophilia and satanism:
Please take a look at VigilantCitizen’s damning pictures from whistleblowers documenting .01% pedophilia.
This emerging evidence continues what I last reported on in 2015, and will repost:
3-minute video from Invisible Empire with President Bush, Jr. kissing, fondling and embracing gay male prostitute, Jeff Gannon:
2-minute video: connecting both presidents Bush to Jeff Gannon:
10-minute 2005 Countdown segment on Jeff Gannon acting as a reporter to toss only softball questions:
Läs mer:
Titus Frost länkar om PIZZAGATE:
DC Leaks Pizza Gate: https://dcpizzagate.wordpress.com/
Wikileaks Podesta Emails: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/...
Andrew Kline owns Besta Pizza: https://steemit.com/wikileaks/@ausbit...
Beyond Borders: http://beyondborders.net/
Comet Ping Pong: http://www.cometpingpong.com/
Comet Ping Pong Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/comet-ping-p...
Comet Ping Pong FB: https://www.facebook.com/cometpingpong/
Besta Pizza Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/besta-pizza-...
FBI Known Pedophilia Symbolism: https://sli.mg/00qA8D
Jimmy Comet Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycomet/...
Julian Treger Insta: https://www.instagram.com/juliantreger/
Charlotte Insta: https://www.instagram.com/charlottedi...
Brian Bakers Insta: https://www.instagram.com/brianbakers/
TransformerDC Insta: https://www.instagram.com/transformerdc/
CBoutlier Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cboutlier/
Victoria Reis Insta: https://www.instagram.com/victorialyn...
Comet Ping Pong Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cometpingpong/
Halien Witch Trials : https://www.instagram.com/witchtrials/
Wild Torus: https://www.instagram.com/wildtorus/
Läs också:
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Dömd Elitpedofil med Sex-slavar på egen ö - hade 21 telenummer till besökaren Bill Clinton
Ex-president Bill Clinton hade 21 telefonnummer listade hos en av de ledande aktörerna i det gigantiska elitpedofil-nätverket, som har sitt centrum bland engelska aristokrater, politiker, domare och mediekändisar...(uppdaterad 14:e januari)
Ettusen-fyrahundra-trettiotre (1433) pedofiler utreds i "Elitpedofilernas Gigantiska Nätverk"
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Vishambar Mehrotra, pappa till en 8-årig engelsk pojke som mördades på 80-talet, säger nu att Scotland Yard var aktivt inblandat i att dölja elitpedofil-nätverks mord på hans son. Englands aristokrati, höga domare, politiker och TV-kändisar utpekas som medlemmar i ett elitpedofil-nätverk som utförde regelbundna våldtäkter av barn...
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#Spirit Cooking SKANDAL!! - Kommer "DEN STORE SATAN" att leva upp till namnet med Hillarys hjälp?
Kommer den "STORE SATAN" leva upp till sitt namn på riktigt om Hillary kommer till makten..? Wikileaks avslöjade i alla fall nyligen att Hillary Clintons valkampanjchef John Podesta deltagit vid märkliga blodritualer, tillsammans med den sanslöst excentriska och kontroversiella Marina Abramovic. Abramovics verksamhet finansieras av bl.a. Clinton Foundation...

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
32-minute evidence video: Pizzagate = .01% pedophilia, satanism. This, with lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, bankster-looting, constant lying annually kills millions, harms billions, loots trillions. Demanding .01% arrests yet, or need more evil? I’m asking: and YOUR choice is …?
#PIZZAGATE Banned on Reddit
SvaraRaderaA Reddit page has been taken down in relation to what is now known as “#Pizzagate”, which is a series of emails released by Wikileaks in the Podesta leak that are thought to reveal an encoded use of words related to foods, like “pizza” and “hot dogs,” which many have reasonably suspect has to do with a pedophile sex ring.
This follows on the heels a DMCA takedown notice sent to TheDailySheeple.com, leading to the entire website being taken down for multiple hours on Monday, November 21 pertaining to an article detailing the #Pizzagate emails.
The Queen is a Reptilian who eats Human Babies & Children.V2 The Government run by Reptilians!!
The Huge Secret That Princess Diana Knew
Varför är gammelmedia så tyst om Norges största pedofilhärva någonsin med 51 misstänkta?
Trump och FBI tagit steg mot pedofil ringar - just därför Hollywoods producenterna gömde sig i New Zeeland.... i samband med president valet... Trump's säkerhets rådgivare (Agency Director Lieutenant General Michael Flynn) vände sig till nationen angående kamp mot kriminella pedofil ringar som gynnades av Hillary / Bill Clinton och Bush
SvaraRaderaTrump’s National Security Adviser: «Clinton Child Sex Crimes Are Real» http://www.anonews.co/nsa-clinton/
Something Strange Is Happening To Britney Spears : Illuminati Slumber Party EXPOSED!
Real Demon Manifests In Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion : Illuminati Exposed
Real Demons Caught Assisting World's Top Magicians - ILLUMINATI MAGIC EXPOSED!
FBI Agent Confirms Child Trafficking Cover Up: #PizzaGate #SaveOurChildren
Read his bio on Wikipedia:
IP: December 02, 2016 01:40:36 AM
SvaraRaderaISP: Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
Host: nrk.no
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: VAD ÄR #PIZZAGATE?https://undermattans.blogspot.se/2016/11/vad-ar-pizzagate.html
Gunman apprehended outsite Comet Ping Pong in Washington D.C.
SvaraRaderaA suspect armed with an assault rifle inside Comet Ping Pong on Sunday afternoon caused a closure of Connecticut Avenue from Fessenden Street to Nebraska Avenue NW as police swarmed the area.
DC Police say the suspect was quickly apprehended and that no shots were fired.
Assassination Of Finnish Reporters Investigating Bizarre “Pizzagate” Plot Puzzles Russia
SvaraRaderaAn interesting Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today is expressing “puzzlement/confusion” over the assassination of two Finnish journalists who were interviewing a local politician about her ties to a human smuggling ring believed by Federation intelligence analysts to be “controlled/organized” by the current Finance Minister of Finland for his “client/associate” Hillary Clinton, and whose deaths are now linked to a “bizarre/strange” case in America known as “Pizzagate”.
WATCH: Obama's #PizzaGate Connection Emerged In A 2009 Wikileaks Email. New Video By @d_seaman. #PedoFiles
British football sex abuse scandal: Police say 98 clubs affected
SvaraRaderaA total of 98 clubs have been impacted by the sex abuse scandal in British football, with 83 individuals now identified as suspects, the National Council of Police Chiefs (NPCC) reported Friday morning.
In a statement, the NPCC said that the age range for potential victims at the time of the abuse spans seven years through to 20 years, and the figure covers all tiers of football, from Premier League clubs through to amateur teams.
A total 639 referrals have been received by a victim helpline established by British children’s charity the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and Operation Hydrant, the police investigation set up to investigate allegations of ‘non-recent’ sexual abuse.
Former youth coach arrested in UK after confessing to sex abuse
Former youth coach and Celtic kitman Jim McCafferty has been arrested in Belfast, Northern Ireland, after confessing to sexually abusing young footballers.
McCafferty, who worked in football in Scotland and Ireland from the 1980s, was arrested after walking into a Belfast police station.
Kissinger väcker ännu ont blod!
Den satans pedofil Kissinger.... borde avrättas för alla mord, krig, korruption och kriminalitet!
Priests, teachers, coaches: Children’s home sex abuse survivors publish harrowing report
SvaraRadera"Some of the survivors described the harrowing experience at the children’s home, including alleged sexual abuse and beatings.
Paul Annon, who was put into care with his brothers after their mother died, was only five or six years old when his abuse at Shirley Oaks started.
“A big man used to come into the room and sexually abuse me, and a woman would come in, but not at the same time – a couple of nights the man and then a couple of nights the woman,” Annon said.
“Then a few nights there would be nothing and you would get some sleep and then you would be woken up by your covers being taken off and – I won't go into details."
More details are emerging on the alleged sexual abuse of dozens of children at a care home in London, as survivors publish their own 129-page report after losing faith in the official inquiry.
According to Shirley Oaks Survivors Association’s (SOSA) own investigation, two men dressed as Father Christmas abused children at the Croydon facility, just one in a horrifying list of crimes that date as far back as the 1960s.
The report was compiled by former residents who lost hope in the controversial Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse following the resignations of its two first chairs and prestigious panel members.
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