FN:s säkerhetsråd har för första gången på 36 år enats om en resolution mot Israels illegala bosättningar på den ockuperade Västbanken. Röstsiffrorna blev 14-0 för resolutionen. USA vägrade rösta men lade sensationellt inte in sitt veto. - Kolla även in Abby Martins senaste starka videos om Palestinas belägrade flyktingläger och om spelet bakom kulisserna angående Palestina och Israel...
FN:s säkerhetsråd röstade 14-0 för resolution mot Israels illegala bosättningar - "Israel skiter i FN"
ABBY MARTIN besöker Palestinas belägrade flyktingläger
FN:s säkerhetsråd röstade 14-0 för resolution mot Israels illegala bosättningar - "Israel skiter i FN"
ABBY MARTIN besöker Palestinas belägrade flyktingläger
Publicerades den 2 dec. 2016 Empire Files
In her first on-the-ground report from Palestine, Abby Martin gives a first-hand look into two of the most attacked refugee camps in the West Bank: Balata and Aida camps.
With over seven million displaced Palestinians around the world, hundreds of thousands are refugees inside their own country—many live packed into these refugee camps after being ethnically cleansed from their villages just miles away. They are blocked from returning home, in violation of international law.
Watch the essential introduction to The Empire Files coverage from Palestine, "How Palestine Became Colonized": http://bit.ly/2cBOdST
With over seven million displaced Palestinians around the world, hundreds of thousands are refugees inside their own country—many live packed into these refugee camps after being ethnically cleansed from their villages just miles away. They are blocked from returning home, in violation of international law.
Watch the essential introduction to The Empire Files coverage from Palestine, "How Palestine Became Colonized": http://bit.ly/2cBOdST
Anti War 2016-12-23
For the first time in 36 years, the United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution criticizing the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, calling them an obstacle to the two-state solution, and calling on Israel to reverse the expansions of the settlements. The vote was unanimous, 14-0, with only the United States abstaining.
For the first time in 36 years, the United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution criticizing the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, calling them an obstacle to the two-state solution, and calling on Israel to reverse the expansions of the settlements. The vote was unanimous, 14-0, with only the United States abstaining.
[...] Israeli officials have indicated that the resolution will not effect any of their policies, and that they will continue with the expansion of settlements, irrespective of what the UN vote says. [...]
Läs mer:
The Untold History of Palestine & Israel
Publicerades den 13 okt. 2016 Empire Files
Previewing Abby Martin’s on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of Zionist colonization, expansion and expulsion of Palestine’s indigenous inhabitants. Giving critical historical context the occupation today, this timeline explores the creation of the state of Israel and how it came to cover so much land since. From the early settlements, to the Nakba, to it’s conquest of the West Bank, Abby Martin reveals the brutally honest root of what is behind the so-called “Israel-Palestine conflict.”
- Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu har senare meddelat att landet inte kommer följa uppmaningen i säkerhetsrådets resolution.http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=83&artikel=6595695
FN:s säkerhetsråd röstade 14-0 för resolution mot Israels illegala bosättningar - "Israel skiter i FN"

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
Israel suspends 'working ties' with 12 nations that voted for UN resolution on settlements
SvaraRaderaThose countries included Britain, France, Russia, China, Japan and Spain. The impact of the move was not immediately clear, but Netanyahu over the weekend recalled the ambassadors for 10 of the countries involved.
Glenn Greenwald:
SvaraRaderaIf Israel added all the countries which believe its settlements illegal but didn't happen to vote, they'd suspend their ties to the globe...