måndag 20 april 2015

USA: Polischef regisserade porrvideos med småbarn - ex. våldtäkt av 1-årig baby i blöjor

Rättegången har börjat mot polischef Alberto Randazzo, en veteran med 15-års erfarenhet vid New York-polisen, som åtalas för att paralellt med polisarbetet även ha producerat barnporrvideos med pyttesmå barn. Enligt åtalet så regisserade polischefen bl.a. en våldtäkt av en 1-årig baby i blöjor...
Polisens internutredare hittade bl.a. 11 stycken egenproducerade porrvideos med småbarn när de undersökte polischef Randazzos laptop.

I bakgrunden på filmerna så hörs polischefen ge order om hur våldtäkterna på småbarnen skall genomföras för att bli bra på film.

I en video så ger  polischefen exempelvis order och instruktioner om hur en kvinna skall genomföra en våldtäkt på en 1-årig baby i blöjor.

Polischefen hade enligt åtalet, även ett enormt bibliotek med extrem barnporr på sin hemdator.

Filming Cops - UPDATE (4/17/15): Court Proceeding Begins
An NYPD Sergeant who was caught issuing commands to a woman to perform detailed sexual acts on an infant has entered court for initial proceedings.

The court proceedings began in late March, according to the DA report.

NEW YORK — In a shocking case of sexual abuse, an NYPD officer has been indicted on charges of conspiring to molest a 1-yr-old infant, according to the Daily News.

Sgt. Alberto Randazzo could face a sentence of more than 15 years, but only if he’s convicted.

It happened when Officer Randazzo was caught earlier this year with over 20 pictures on his cell phone and laptop depicting lewd sexual acts being performed on babies and toddlers.

When his computer was seized, it was discovered that Officer Randazzo had been in contact with a woman on skype.

In his Skype chat logs, he had been ordering the woman to molest her 1-yr-old baby so that he could watch. Details as to the nature of the orders that were issued to this mother are not yet known.

According to reports, the archived Skype video footage shows Officer Randozzo giving verbal instructions to perform various sexual acts on the baby’s body.

RELATED: Parents Trusted “Good Cop” To Watch Their Infants and Toddlers — He Was Raping Them the Whole Time

Officer Randozzo was charged with conspiracy to sexually exploit a child.

After he was set free on bail for the child exploitation charge, Officer Randozzo was caught with downloading up to 30 videos of child pornography.

Randazzo is now at the Metropolitan Detention Center awaiting trial.

RELATED: Cop is Set Free, After Two Charges of Child Molestation in Connection With Family Violence

Officer Randazzo has been an NYPD officer for 15 years.

He would arrest people or issue tickets during the day — probably mostly innocent people who smoked marijuana or jaywalked across the street — and then he would apparently go home and enjoy watching 1-yr-old children being raped and molested.

He has been suspended without pay.

The acts that were committed on precious children for this cop's depraved gratification, are beyond comprehension.
USA: Polischef regisserade porrvideos med småbarn - ex. våldtäkt av 1-årig baby i blöjor
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. https://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2015/04/19/animated-hasbara/

    On the eve of Israel’s 67th Independence Day, the following was issued to bring Hasbara to the masses …. Zionism in Animation is a project which will tell the story of Zionism in a series of short; compelling; animated clips which cover the main Events, people, places and concepts which make up this story.



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