torsdag 16 april 2015

Penisterror i USA: Homosexuella agenter på TSA lekte med manliga flygpassagerares könsorgan

En homosexuell TSA-agent och hans kvinnliga arbetskamrat organiserade ett eget riggat system för att kunna leka med könsorgan på "attraktiva" manliga flygpassagerare. Förfarandet pågick organiserat i hemlighet under minst ett år vid säkerhetskontrollen på Denvers flygplats i USA. För ökad trygghet, förstås...
TSA-agenterna hade riggat en skanner på flygplatsen som på beställning kunde ge falskt utslag när den homosexuella agenten såg någon "attraktiv" manlig resenär, som han ville kladda på ordentligt och leka lite extra med penisen och pungen hos offret.

- Agenterna avskedades visserligen till slut, men de fick ändå hålla på med sina äventyr i ytterligare, tre månader efter att de upptäckts...

TSA agents fired over system to fondle male genitals in Denver

RT 2015-04-14
Two Transportation Security Administration officials at Denver International Airport (DIA) have been fired for conducting a scam on male passengers. A male and female agent collaborated so the male could fondle the genitals of men he found attractive.

At some point in 2014, the male TSA agent told a female coworker that he “gropes” male passengers he finds attractive, and he asked her for help manipulating the system, according to law enforcement documents obtained by KCNC.

“He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by the scanning machine he will alert another TSA screener to indicate to the scanning computer that the party being screened is a female. When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area and this allows [the male TSA screener] to conduct a pat-down search of that area,” the documents said.

Enhanced pat-downs were introduced by the TSA in 2010, and are “primarily used to resolve alarms that occur at a walk-through metal detector, if an anomaly is detected during screening with advanced imaging technology (AIT), or during random screening,” according to the agency’s blog.
Pat-downs are conducted by same gender officers.

A TSA official turned in the two employees in November, but it took three months before the agency took action.[...] 

2015-04-19 The Free Thought Project
Denver, CO — Two Denver TSA agents have been fired after a former employee came forward, exposing a sick game developed by the two in order to molest unsuspecting male passengers.

The former TSA employee, who wished to remain unidentified, claims he was not the only agent aware of the vile conspiracy. He told a local CBS affiliate,  

“- There was more people that knew it was going on.

- They made it seem like a game, they were having fun with it…

- I had heard them saying it was just a game.

- It’s a really sick game to play.”

He went on to state that he tried to get more information on the scheme, but the clique was much like a secret club, communicating through text messages and private group chats.

“They kept it quiet. I would ask questions, but it was almost like an exclusive group for them. They had a group chat at work. I definitely know that because of the group text and chat there was more people that knew it was going on. There could be numerous people who knew it was going on.”

The former agent alerted supervisors of the disgustingly clever game last November, according to a Denver Police Investigation.

The investigation of the two agents revealed a disturbing system in which an agent would alert his female coworker of passengers he found to be attractive with a secret signal. According to the police report, the female agent would falsely categorize the passenger as female in the system, triggering a pat-down.

Officials conducting the investigation observed the male agent fondling the targeted passengers groins and buttocks with his bare hands, which, according to TSA regulations, is strictly forbidden.

According to one investigator, the female agent has confessed to her role in the conspiracy, admitting to having targeted at least ten passengers for molestation.

The TSA released a statement, saying, “These alleged acts are egregious and intolerable. TSA has removed the two officers from the agency.” The names of both agents are being withheld.

- Numerous passengers have come forward, believing to be victims of the sick game. 

Prosecutors are looking into their claims but have declined to file a charge of unlawful sexual contact as none the victims have yet been identified. They are considering filing a different charge, according to office spokesperson Lynn Kimbrough.

This is yet another example of how important it is to assert your right to privacy. It is absolutely vital for all of us speak out any time our rights are being violated, in order to prevent these horrific situations from happening in the future.
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Shocking! 2 TSA Officers Fired Groping Men

Publicerades den 15 apr. 2015
Shocking! 2 TSA Officers Fired Groping Men
Mer Otroligt:  

USA-klassiker - TSA:s bästa förnedringar av resande på flygplatser! S&M ingår i biljetten?

Några utvalda videos från s.k. säkerhetskontroller på flygplatser i USA. Snacka om att ha myndigheterna i byxorna. Ett visst mått av S&M verkar numera ingå i biljettpriset, kanske en ny statlig service utan extra kostnad..?

Penisterror i USA: Homosexuella agenter på TSA lekte med manliga flygpassagerares könsorgan
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. USA inför tvångsvaccinering !!!!!!!

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