måndag 11 mars 2013

Nya siffror: 5000 människor mördade av USA:s drönare - 80 procent civila

Runt 5000 människor har mördats av USA:s drönare
- 80 procent civila - 2 procent militanta

RT 2013-02-20
"Vi har mördat minst 4.700 människor" - Senator Lindsey Graham USA. "Ibland dödar vi oskyldiga och det är ju tråkigt men vi har faktiskt mördat en del höga al-Qaidamedlemmar också."

Forskare på Stanford University och New York University publicerade september 2012 en rapport där de slog fast att endast 2 procent av drönarnas offer är militanta ledare.Pakistans inrikesminister gjorde tidigare ett liknande uttalande där han avslöjade att runt 80 procent av de som avrättats av drönarna i Pakistan, är oskyldiga civila.

“We’ve killed 4,700,” the Council for Foreign Relations says Sen. Graham told the crowd. “Sometimes you hit innocent people, and I hate that, but we’re at war, and we’ve taken out some very senior members of Al-Qaeda.”

When researchers at Stanford University and New York University published their ‘Living Under Drones’ report last September, they found that only about 2 percent of drone casualties are top militant leaders, and the Pakistani Interior Minister has said that around 80 percent of drone deaths in his country were suffered by civilians.


RT 2013-02-13
Piloterna som sköter drönarna i USA:s armé kommer att belönas med speciella medaljer från Pentagon.


Obama Drone Strikes Are 'Mass Murder' - Jeremy Scahill

Living Under Drones

Publicerad den 24 sep 2012

Since 2004, up to 884 innocent civilians, including at least 176 children, have died from US drone strikes in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan. 

A new report from the Stanford and New York University law schools finds drone use has caused widespread post-tramatic stress disorder and an overall breakdown of functional society in North Waziristan. In addition, the report finds the use of a "double tap" procedure, in which a drone strikes once and strikes again not long after, has led to deaths of rescuers and medical professionals. Many interviewees told the researchers they didn't know what America was before drones. Now what they know of America is drones, death and terror.

The Shocking Truth About Obama's Drones

ThinkOutsideTheTV den 12 mar 2013
Sickening is an understatement. It is mind blowing that 90% of people do not know the facts presented in this video.

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