lördag 9 mars 2013

CNN:s Dana Loesch vill dra ner trosorna och urinera på döda Talibaner...

CNN:s Dana Loesch tycker att urinera på lik verkar vara en bra tradition för att markera vem fienden är. Därför erbjöd Dana, i direktsändning, att dra ner sina trosor och hjälpa de amerikanska soldaterna  att urinera på döda afghaner... Och nu vet vi varför de kallas mainSTREAMmedia....

CNN:s Dana Loesch vill dra ner sina trosor och hjälpa till att urinera på döda Talibaner...

CNN:s politiska expert Dana Loesch tycker att man borde urinera oftare på döda civila afghaner. Hon drar gärna ner trosorna själv och hjälper till med en "golden shower" på liken.

Här berättar CNN:s Dana Loesch om äran i att få urinera på döda Talibaner...

Loesch, the 33-year-old CNN contributor hired last year to offer political analysis for the coming election, is already giving the network their money's worth. Speaking during her own syndicated radio program on Thursday, Loesch discussed the just-surfaced video that shows four Marines urinating on the corpses of slain Afghans, presumed to be civilians.

- Her own insight seems to be a bit more harsh than the commentary that others are offering.

"- I'd drop trou and do it too," Loesch told listeners during the January 12 broadcast of The Dana Show. 

"- I want a million 'cool points' for these guys. Is that harsh to say?" she asked.

"I'm excited to be working with CNN and am appreciative of their efforts to showcase diverse political thought on their airwaves," Loesch said in a CNN press release announcing her hiring last year. "I look forward to the discussions."

Amerikaner diskuterar om det är bra eller dåligt att urinera på döda civila.

Videon publicerad den 16 jan 2012
--CNN contributor Dana Loesch salutes US Marines for urinating on Afghan corpses, and Rick Perry also says it really isn't a big deal.

--On the Bonus Show: Hypersonic flight, Dad selling son for $20 million on Facebook, Kim Jong Il's body to be on display forever, more.
The David Pakman Show is an internationally syndicated talk radio and television program hosted by David Pakman.


RT 2013-01-13
The video of American marines urinating on the corpses of Afghan civilians has prompted worldwide outrage, condemnation from the White House and the opening of a federal investigation. CNN's Dana Loesch thinks the whole thing is pretty cool, though.

Loesch, the 33-year-old CNN contributor hired last year to offer political analysis for the coming election, is already giving the network their money's worth. Speaking during her own syndicated radio program on Thursday, Loesch discussed the just-surfaced video that shows four Marines urinating on the corpses of slain Afghans, presumed to be civilians.

Her own insight seems to be a bit more harsh than the commentary that others are offering.

“- I’d drop trou and do it too,” Loesch told listeners during the January 12 broadcast of The Dana Show. “I want a million ‘cool points’ for these guys. Is that harsh to say?” she asked.

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