torsdag 14 mars 2013

Hungerstrejk på Guantanamo - fångarna svälter sig till döds

Omfattande hungerstrejk på Guantanamo
Över 100 fångar hungerstrejkar för 5:e veckan i det ökända fånglägret/koncentrationslägret på Guantanamo.
RT 2013-03-19
Det rapporteras att
flera av fångarna är döende. Detta gäller även fångar som officiellt fått klartecken att lämna lägret men ändå kvarhålls av olika tekniska anledningar...

Hungerstrejk på Guantanamo

Över 100 fångar hungerstrejkar för 5:e veckan i det ökända fånglägret/koncentrationslägret på Guantanamo. 

RT-2013-03-16 - Engelsk text
An inmate hunger strike at Guantanamo prison has entered its 40th day, with more than 100 reportedly taking part. Experts warn of health risks over a strike prompted by the confiscation of prisoners’ belongings and rough handling of Korans.

The prisoners' lawyers, along with other experts and former detainees, are sounding the alarm over the inmates’ critical condition. “They are indeed threatening their own lives, putting their lives on the line in this heroic effort to express a sense of autonomy, outrage at being imprisoned in what can be characterized as nothing less than the American sort of medieval torture chamber,” anthropologist

Mark Mason, who studies the cultural factors behind human suffering, told RT.
“We have here conditions where 166 people are imprisoned, more of half of them cleared, they should be out to the streets, free today,” Mason added. “I frankly cannot describe some of the horrific conditions and treatment and humiliation that many detainees have reported. 

They have been stripped and required to stand around in cold rooms for hours naked. This is itself a physical stressor, but it is almost unspeakable psychological torture.”

“We are humans, we are not eagles in a bag of skin, we relate to each other, we need human contact and relationships to be healthy psychologically and physically,” he said.

Mason claimed that the US lives in a “distortion zone,” where “people imprisoned in Guantanamo should be free while the president, our former president, vice president and bankers in the US and Wall Street should be in jail.”

US President Barack Obama began his first term by announcing his intention to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Now, just two months into his second term, the prison has entered its 12th year of operation with 166 detainees still languishing behind bars and a reported 130 on a life-threatening hunger strike.

 Hungerstrejk på Guantanamo - fångarna svälter sig till döds

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