måndag 26 november 2012

Warner Music Group skickade polis på 9-åring - beslagtog barnets NallePuh laptop

Nioåring besökte Pirate Bay – fick sin Nalle Puh laptop beslagtagen av polisen vid grym husrannsakan

Dagspress/UM-bloggen 2012-11-24
En nioårig flicka i Finland fick nyligen sin dator beslagtagen av polisen. Flickans pappa skriver på Facebook att lilltösen i oktober 2011 försökte provlyssna på en ny skiva. En sökning på nätet ledde henne då till Pirate Bay.
I våras fick pappan ett brev från föreningen Upphovsrättens informations- och övervakningscentral, där han hotades och krävdes på 600 euro i ersättning för olaglig spridning av ljudupptagning.

Enligt pappan uppmanades han med olika hot att skriva under ett avtal om tystnadsplikt även om han betalade pengarna enligt WEA MUSIC GROUPs hot.

- Han vägrade, vilket ledde till att polisen dök upp i tisdags och tog hand om barnets Nalle Puh dator.

9-åringen blev mycket skärrad vid husrannsakan samt av polisens agerande och sade därför vad hon tyckte om det hela till poliserna när de försvann med hennes lilla Nalle Puh Laptop och hela hennes digitala liv.

- Pappan till 9-åringen säger på Internet att han är övertygad om att Maffian varit i familjens hem för någon annan grupp hade aldrig gjort så här.


Popstjärnan Chisu, vars låt nioåringen ville lyssna till, har gjort klart att hon inte vill se sina fans inför rätta.

Chisu är ändå ytterst ansvarig för händelsen och det är upp till henne att agera och kompensera 9-åringen för "Maffians" agerande.


Ansvariga för

Polisaktionen mot 9-åringen:

CHISU = Christel Martina Sundberg


1. Chisu - Finsk Popstjärna ansvarig

för beslaget mot 9-åringen

Christel Martina Sundberg (born January 3, 1982, Helsinki, known by her stage name Chisu, is a Finnish pop artist, songwriter, and producer.

Chisu has also written songs for Antti Tuisku, Tarja Turunen, Jippu, Kristiina Brask and Kristiina Wheeler.[citation needed] During her career, Chisu has sold over 210,000 certified records, which places her among the top 90 best-selling artists in Finland.

In November 2012, Chisu was part of a copyright controversy in Finland when a nine year old girl was raided by the police and had her Winnie the Pooh laptop confiscated due to allegedly downloading Chisu songs.


2. Warner Music Group

/ HMC records Finland

WEA is also referred to as Warner Music International or Warner Music Entertainment and has divisions worldwide such as Australia, Japan and all over Europe. These branches are usually called Warner Music followed by the name of the country.

- WEA använder Maffialiknande metoder för att skrämma barn och ungdomar till lydnad i samarbete med korrupt rättsväsende inom EU på USA:s begäran.


Police Raid 9-Year-Old Pirate Bay Girl,

Confiscate Winnie The Pooh Laptop

Torrentfreak 2012-11-22
An anti-piracy company has found itself in the middle of a huge controversy. CIAPC, the company that had The Pirate Bay blocked by ISPs in Finland, tracked an alleged file-sharer and demanded a cash settlement.

However, the Internet account holder refused to pay which escalated things to an unprecedented level. In response, this week police raided the home of the 9-year-old suspect and confiscated her Winnie the Pooh laptop.

Finnish anti-piracy group CIAPC sent the girls father a letter informing him that his account had been traced back to an incidence of online file-sharing.

To stop matters progressing further the man was advised to pay a settlement of 600 euros, sign a non-disclosure document, and move on with his life. He chose not to give in to the demands of CIAPC and this week things escalated as promised.

Tuesday morning the doorbell of the family home rang around 8am and the man, who works in the hospitality sector, had quite a shock. Police were at his door with a search warrant authorizing the hunt for evidence connected to illicit file-sharing.

- Having failed in her quest to put enough money in her piggy bank to buy the latest album from local multi-platinum-selling songstress Chisu, in 2011 she turned to the Internet, first via Google and then The Pirate Bay.

The girl’s father said the resulting downloads didn’t work so the following day they went to the store to buy music. Nevertheless, this week’s police visit shows that CIAPC mean business, no matter how young the targets or whether or not they also buy music.

In concluding their search, the police confiscated the girl’s file-sharing weapon of choice – her Winnie The Pooh laptop – and according to her father offered some final words.

“It would have been easier for all concerned if you had paid the compensation,” the police advised

“- I got the feeling that there had been people from the MAFIA demanding money at the door,” the girl’s father explained.


CHISU = Christel Martina Sundberg

Skivor och skivbolag 2011-2012

Kun valaistun
  • Release date: 5 October 2011
  • Record label: HMC / WEA
  • Format: CD / Digital

1Multiple platinum
Kun valaistun 2.0
  • Release date: 6 June 2012
  • Record label: HMC / WEA
  • Format: CD-DVD-Bluray /
    Digital / Vinyl



undermattan.blogg - Warner Music Group skickade polis på 9-åring - beslagtog barnets Nalle Puh laptop

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