tisdag 6 november 2012

Några enkla steg mot förändring

--5 VARIATIONS - in every day life--

Äntligen presenterar UM-bloggen det alla väntat på under lång tid... - Mängder med NEW-AGE-FLUMMIGHETER i parti och minut! :) 

- Eller kanske inte?

Efter en något trevande inledning i den första videon så är det här väldigt sevärda och jättekorta videos som ställer ett antal frågor, utan att ha andra ambitioner än att göra oss lite mer medvetna om verkligheten.

D.v.s. inte verkligheten i media utan vad som pågår utanför alla filter som informationen måste gå igenom för att nå våra öron. Det finns givetvis olika val man kan göra för att förändra den verkligheten.

1. Denial - In this stage you dismiss anything that goes counter to conventional wisdom as crazy talk or conspiracy theory. This is really a self defense mechanism the brain uses to protect the ego.

No one likes to admit when they are wrong, much less admit when they have been fooled. So it is infinitely easier to deny a truth, rather than to embrace it.

They believe that whatever the “authorities” tell them is the truth. They go along with the crowd in fear of being looked upon as strange or crazy.

"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.”- Voltaire

2. Anger - When you start to see that you were fooled, you react violently for being taken for a fool and want to lash out. The Freedom Movement has a lot of this in it currently with talk of “just shooting the bastards.”

This action is ineffectual in bringing about positive change for the Freedom Movement. Anger is a very natural reaction and is one that you must go through rather than suppress.

3. Bargaining - After you calm down, you reach out to anyone who will listen to tell them what is really going on. This is the most annoying stage of the awakening process.

You ruin Christmas parties telling people about WTC7 or kids basketball games talking about the Federal Reserve. By reaching out, you are seeking guidance or structure in your search for truth. Without clarity, you cannot go forward. This naturally leads to the next stage of depression.


4. Depression - Now that you have reached out to everyone and nothing seems to happen, depression sinks in. You start saying “it is too big” or “what could I do about it.” This is the most painful stage and the hardest to get out of.

Human happiness comes from progress and yet progress in this journey seems to suck you further into a hole. Unfortunately there is no way around this, yet it is necessary to go though it.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert

5. Acceptance - At the point where you now become comfortable with the oncoming reality and make active, positive steps to prepare for it. This process of making wise choices for yourself and not others will yield massive positive personal results.

These positive results will reinforce your actions and bring about more positive change in your life. People will start to notice the light in your eyes as confidence returns. They will now ask what happened to you and those that once did not want to hear the truth, will be ready to listen. This is ultimately where we need to get to both personally.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” -Henry David Thoreau

- Finns det alternativ eller lever vi redan i den perfekta världen som är idealet för alla?

- Bäää, Jag tycker ju att det är rätt bra som det är i världen...
- Men va vet jag?  Jag är ju bara ett får...

    undermattan.blogg  - Några enkla steg mot förändring

    Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän

    1 kommentar:

    1. Japp som tur är orkar man ju inte vara arg särskilt länge, inte deprimerad heller. Hoppat snabbt till fas 5. Fast det tog visst ett helt liv... Och lite ensamt känns det.



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    Juridiskt ansvar gentemot slavägarna (myndigheter) ligger helt hos kommentatorn. Uppenbara olagligheter inom hat och hets samt Bullshit & Trollshit plockas bort.