tisdag 20 november 2012

Israel utsattes för omfattande nätattacker från hela världen




The Jerusalem Post has confirmed the group’s assault, including the attack on the Foreign Ministry’s website, as well as those of Kadima party, Bank of Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv Municipality. Among other functions, it provides residents with directions to bomb shelters.

Israel trollar desperat på Internet

Israeler dödshotar journalister

Israel mördade 3 journalister i Gaza genom terrorbombning

RT 2012-11-21
AFP Gaza office hit by Israeli strike, 3 Palestinian reporters killed in other attacks.

Israel struck media offices in Gaza twice on Tuesday and killed three Palestinian journalists. The IDF claimed the buildings, which included an AFP bureau, were being used by Hamas to direct military operations, and were legitimate targets.

Two Israeli strikes have left three Palestinian journalists dead, with media buildings targeted by the IDF two days in a row. The AFP building was hit in another attack later on, with no casualties reported.

Mahmoud al-Koumi and Husam Salameh, cameramen for the local al-Aqsa TV station, were killed in a car marked with a press sign near the al-Wihda towers in Gaza.

Both journalists were 30 years old and fathers of four children. Two other al-Aqsa employees were wounded in the first strike.

The second attack killed the director of al-Quds Educational Radio, Muhammad Abu Aisha, in his car.

Then, the AFP building in Gaza was hit, with no casualties reported so far.

undermattan.blogg  - Israel utsattes för omfattande nätattacker från hela världen

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