fredag 7 september 2012

Conspiracy in Denver - the secret Obama connection

--------Skottdramat i Denver--------

- Här presenteras den fantastiska konspirationsteorin om James Holmes. Holmes var skytten och massmördaren på Batman-premiären i Denver. Mannen som trodde att han var "the Joker" vid dådet.

?.. Tillfällighet? ...Tror inte det! :)

En tecknad bild på Obama som "The Joker" har plötsligt dykt upp på nätet... Det som är intressant är att bilden är gjord strax före skottdramat i Denver... :)

James Holmes sade till polisen
att han var: - THE JOKER…

RT 2012-07-20
12 personer omkom vid skottlossningen som utfördes av James Holmes 24, vid premiärvisningen av Batman-filmen The Dark Knight Rises, i Denver.


:) - Fast det är klart, det finns antagligen betydligt bättre (och sämre??) konspirationsteorier på Undermattan-bloggens "CONSPIRACY CORNER"...

Gör som: EU-kommisionen, Rikspolisstyrelsen, US Department of Defense Network och Saab Scania Aircraft, kolla en sväng på UM-bloggens andra och något bättre konspirationer.

- Vem vet, ...du är kanske med i en konspiration utan att veta om det?? :)


“Especially with what happened in Aurora a couple of weeks ago, and Virginia Tech, and all of the stuff that’s happened on college campuses now…

- You never know what’s going to happen,” said incoming freshman Joe Ramsburger.

On Tuesday, Professor Jerry Paterson threatened to cancel class if he knew of any of his students carrying a firearm in his presence.

In response, the university’s chancellor, Phillip DiStefano, threatened disciplinary action against faculty who prohibited their students from carrying guns in class.

“I believe we have taken reasonable steps to adhere to the ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court, while balancing that with the priority of providing a safe environment for our students, faculty and staff,” the chancellor said in a statement.

While some are fearful of a possible increased presence of guns on campus, others say that allowing guns is necessary for individuals’ safety – and that allowing concealed firearms would not cause a spike in firearm-related crimes.

“The Aurora theater where the Batman shooting occurred also had a gun-free policy,” said Jim Manley, an attorney who argued against banning guns on the Colorado university’s campus.

“But these policies don’t disarm criminals, they disarm law-abiding citizens who see the sign and respect the law and say, ‘I’m not going to carry in this place because the law doesn’t allow it.’”

Deb Coffin, vice chancellor for student affairs, said those with a gun permit know how to use the weapon they carry, and thereby would be less likely to cause a shooting. She said the university’s concern is about those not experienced or trained in the use of a handgun.

The university also claims that 96 percent of its undergraduates living in dormitories are under the age of 21, and thus ineligible to have a permit for a firearm. The new regulations would therefore only affect a small portion of on-campus undergraduate residents, the statement read.

The majority of the more than 4,000 US colleges prevent carrying guns on campus, but about 25 schools already allow them, according

undermattan.blogg - Conspiracy in Denver - the secret Obama connection

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