lördag 1 september 2012

Assange: Pervers totalitarism i väst urholkar mänskliga rättigheter

Assange: - Pervers totalitarism i väst

RT 2012-08-31
Västländernas perversa imperium har lett till en total kollaps av mänskliga rättigheter, sade Julian Assange i en ny intervju med TV-kanalen teleSUR från Venezuela den 31 augusti.

Den svenska regeringen borde ha lagt ner målet mot mig. Det kommer de också troligtvis att göra inom 6-12 månader när en noggrann undersökning av de faktiska omständigheterna skett.

Under intervjun som genomfördes från Ecuadors ambassad i London fördömde Assange den jordskredsliknande totalitarismen i väst som initierats av USA och nu spridit sig till samtliga västländer. 

- Detta har enligt Assange lett till ett transnationellt totalitärt tillstånd i väst.

Fenomenet är absolut inte unikt för USA utan det är mycket större än så och håller på att föra oss alla till en mycket mörk plats, sade Assange vidare.

- Mänskliga rättigheter i väst håller idag på att fullständigt urholkas.

- Media i väst vilseleder numera medvetet folket och läsarna i en massmanipulation av information.

Angående USA, sade Assange att amerikanerna har avrättat 1000-tals människor i Afghanistan.

Över 20 000 har medvetet mördats av USA, detta enligt amerikanska arméns egna informations-filer enligt Assange.

Läs mer från RT:s rapportering här undertill:


Assange blasts ‘perverse

transnational totalitarianism’

---------- interview---------

RT 2012-08-31
The West’s “perverse” empire is leading to the collapse of human rights, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said. The whistleblower, currently holed up in the UK’s Ecuadorian embassy, expects to leave in a year if Sweden drops its case against him.

"The Swedish government could drop the case. I think this is the most likely scenario. Maybe after a thorough investigation of what happened they could drop the case,” Assange said, adding that he hopes his case will be solved through diplomacy “in between six and 12 months.”

During the interview with Venezuelan TV station teleSUR from London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, Assange condemned an “avalanche of totalitarianism” incited by the US government. He argued that democracy in Western countries is an illusion, and that the constant surveillance of citizens is leading to the creation of a “transnational totalitarian state.”

“This is an international phenomenon that isn’t just happening in the US, it’s bigger than the US and it’s taking us to a dark place,” Assange said.

He alleged that human rights in the West are undergoing a severe deterioration, and that the public is being influenced by “massive press manipulation.”

Though the US denies the existence of a Supreme Court espionage case against Assange, there is overwhelming evidence that they are preparing such a lawsuit, he said.

Likening the US reaction to the leaking of thousands of diplomatic cables to a playground spat, Assange claimed that he is part of a larger US crackdown on WikiLeaks. He believes the US first moved against his organizations over information they published on civilian deaths in Afghanistan.

“The US armed forces have assassinated thousands of people [in Afghanistan], and indirectly 20,000 people according to its own files. … They have spilt the blood of men, women, children and their own soldiers over Afghanistan,” he said.

Though no government has charged WikiLeaks with any deaths, the US maintains that the organization “might have blood on its hands.”

“It’s the same as a fight between primary school children. They say that WikiLeaks says that the Pentagon could have murdered thousands of people, so in answer they say that WikiLeaks may have blood on its hands,” Assange said.

Assange praised Ecuador for making the “right decision” in granting him asylum, and expressed gratitude to the Latin American nations that had rallied to his support. He dismissed the charges of sexual assault leveled against him, and alleged that Sweden was acting at the behest of Washington and would push to have him extradited to the US.

In an unprecedented move, Assange appealed for asylum at London’s Ecuadorian embassy in June, on the grounds of political persecution. Although the Ecuadorian government granted the appeal, the WikiLeaks founder is effectively stuck in the Embassy – UK authorities have vowed to arrest him if he leaves the building.

The UK government claims it is obligated to comply with the Swedish extradition order that has been issued against Assange.


julian assange 04 jorge gestoso telesur

  • can't find an english version anywhere on the web yet... what are they trying to censor now? interesting...

  • you can find out more, by what the main stream media DOESN'T report on.

    jimmywx11 6 timmar sedan


Assanges Advokat klassades som säkerhetsrisk på Heathrow

- Fick veta att hon var satt på hemlig övervakningslista...

DailyMail 2012-09-01
Advokat Jennifer Robinson fick besked om att hon var satt på en speciell hemlig övervakningslista. Som en av alla misstänkt personer på listan, var hon tvungen att få ett godkännande från högre ort innan hon fick borda flygplanet för resan till sitt hemland, Australien.

Jennifer Robinson är en människorättsadvokat som bl.a. arbetat med att förhindra att Assange utlämnas till Sverige. Hon var även juridisk rådgivare när Wikileaks publicerade kontroversiellt material om USA.

- Hon säger att hon försvarat människor från världens alla kontinenter och aldrig tidigare haft liknande problem. Hon säger även att hon aldrig gjort något olagligt.

Efter incidenten har Australiens regering förnekat att det skulle finnas någon lista överhuvudtaget...

Lawyer for Assange detained

at Heathrow and told she was

on a ‘secret watch list’

DailyMail 2012-09-01
A lawyer acting for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says she was stopped at Heathrow and  told that she was on a secret watch-list and required special clearance before she could board her plane.

Australian Jennifer Robinson said she was left stunned after being told  by an airline crew that she was on an ‘inhibited person list’ that means she must have ‘done something controversial’.

Ms Robinson said that she could not understand why she was on the list as she had never done anything controversial or criminal.

She had only represented clients around the world, one of whom was Mr Assange.

She added that under Australian law, a citizen does not need special clearance when returning to their own country, regardless of whether they are on any watch-lists.

Although WikiLeaks supporters believe that the ‘inhibited person list’ may  be a secret US or British watch-list that monitors the international movements of certain individuals, both governments have denied they operate such a database.

The Australian government has also denied having such  a list. Ms Robinson, 31, said: ‘This incident raises so many questions.

'Why would I need clearance to travel to my own country?

So far I have not had a proper explanation.’

The human rights lawyer is a member of Mr Assange’s legal team, which has been fighting his extradition to Sweden on alleged sexual assault offences.

She was also his legal adviser when WikiLeaks published US military documents as well as diplomatic cables from American embassies.

She was trying to board a Virgin Atlantic plane from Heathrow to Sydney, where she was going to attend a Commonwealth lawyers’ conference. Eventually, she was issued with a boarding pass and allowed to catch  her flight.

The incident happened in April but this is the first time Ms Robinson has talked about it to a British newspaper.

Virgin Atlantic said it could not comment on the case  ‘due to data protection’.


 Assange: Pervers totalitarism i väst urholkar mänskliga rättigheter

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