måndag 16 juli 2012

USA stal Iraks arkeologiska skatter vid invasionen - Irak: Lämnatillbaka tjuvgodset

USA - den verkliga tjuven i Bagdad!

PressTV 2012-07-13
USA stal Irakiska folkets heliga arkeologiska skatter i Bagdad vid invasionen 2003. - Nu vill Irak ha sina historiska skatter och ägodelar tillbaka.


USA har erbjudit sig att lämna tillbaka hälften av tjuvgodset men Irak vill naturligtvis ha allt tillbaka.  Bland tjuvgodset finns urgamla Torah rullar och en stor del av det Irakiska folkets arv och historia.

- Av en händelse så har även vissa delar av tjuvbytet, med USA:s hjälp, hamnat i Israel...

USA:s påstådda kamp för frihet och demokrati i världen når ständigt nya bottennoteringar. Förutom att USA idag tillsynes är allierade med terrororganisationen al-Qaida så stjäl de även folkens historiska skatter i länder som de invaderar.

USA:s agerande har upprört arkeologer världen över, som förfärats över att USA länsar fornminnen och heliga skatter i andra länder.


Parts of the Iraqi Jewish Archive (file photo)

2012 - Iraq wants all US-stolen
archeological treasures back

PressTV 2012-07-13
Iraq says it wants back all the archeological treasures, stolen by US forces in 2003, but Washington has offered to return only half.

Iraq rejected the offer made by the United States to bring back half of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, previously transferred from Baghdad to the United States during the US-led invasion of the country, insisting that Baghdad had to restore the whole archive, Iraqi newspaper al-Sabah reported on Sunday.

- The archive includes centuries-old Torah scrolls and plenty of other documents in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

Iraqi Tourism and Archaeology Minister Liwaa Smaisim reiterated that "it (the Iraqi Jewish Archive) is part of the Iraqi heritage," the ministry’s media office chief Hakim al-Shammari quoted him as saying.

- On June 11, Smaisim said that the US had transferred the archive to Israel in addition to about 1,000 Iraqi antiquities.

The information angered archeologists and officials who accuse Washington of looting Iraq's cultural heritage, and dissuaded Iraqi authorities from continuing cultural cooperation with the US.

"The ministry recently suspended cooperation with the American universities and their excavation missions in the country," the Iraqi minister added.


Iraq Deaths Estimator

An ancient Torah scroll, estimated to be 400 years old, has been secretly smuggled into Israel from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.
The U.S. Army assisted in the covert transfer of the scroll from Baghdad's Beit Zilcha yeshiva to Israel.

undermattan.blogg - USA stal Iraks arkeologiska skatter vid invasionen - Irak: Lämna tillbaka tjuvgodset

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