De över 30 civila som nyligen dödades av amerikanskt bombflyg i Afghanistan begravdes som brukligt är i total västlig medieskugga, under uppsikt av en mycket uppretad inhemsk folksamling. - Så, hur skapar egentligen våra kära elitpsykopater sina nya terrorister till sitt terrorkrig, kriget som är medvetet designat att pågå i all evighet..? - Tyvärr kan fortfarande bara ett litet fåtal här i väst lista ut den gåtan...
Hundreds of mourners gathered on Friday to bury more than 30 civilians killed in an airstrike called in to protect Afghan and U.S. forces during a raid on suspected Taliban militants outside the northern city of Kunduz.
There was an angry mood in Buz Kandahari, the village outside Kunduz where the raid took place in the early hours of Thursday, as white-shrouded bodies, many of small children, were laid out for burial.
"The locals noted that many of the civilians being buried were infants and small children."
"Did you see which of those infants and children who were killed by the Americans were terrorists?"[...]
De över 30 civila som nyligen dödades av amerikanskt bombflyg i Afghanistan begravdes som brukligt är i total västlig medieskugga, under uppsikt av en mycket uppretad inhemsk folksamling. - Så, hur skapar egentligen våra kära elitpsykopater sina nya terrorister till sitt terrorkrig, kriget som är medvetet designat att pågå i all evighet..? - Tyvärr kan fortfarande bara ett litet fåtal här i väst lista ut den gåtan...
Hundreds of mourners gathered on Friday to bury more than 30 civilians killed in an airstrike called in to protect Afghan and U.S. forces during a raid on suspected Taliban militants outside the northern city of Kunduz.
There was an angry mood in Buz Kandahari, the village outside Kunduz where the raid took place in the early hours of Thursday, as white-shrouded bodies, many of small children, were laid out for burial.
"- My brother and three of his children were killed. My brother had no connection to any group, he was a laborer," said Mawlawi Haji Allahdad, a resident of the village.
"The locals noted that many of the civilians being buried were infants and small children."
"Did you see which of those infants and children who were killed by the Americans were terrorists?"[...]
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USA/NATO FREDSBOMBADE Läkare Utan Gränsers SJUKHUS i Afghanistan +20 DÖDA i västterror
Ett av Läkare Utan Gränsers sjukhus med 400 patienter i Afghanistan fredsbombades nyligen av USA/NATO. Ett 20-tal personer, däribland ett flertal barn, uppges ha dött vid fredsbombningen.
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Nio av Läkare utan gränsers anställda har bekräftats döda. Läkare Utan Gränser: - NATO fortsatte fredsbomba sjukhuset i 30-minuter efter att USA fått reda på att sjukhuset träffats...
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'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
UN investigating US airstrike that killed 32 civilians in Afghanistan
SvaraRaderaThe United Nations is investigating a US airstrike that killed 32 civilians and injured 19 others in northern Afghanistan on Thursday, said Tadamichi Yamamoto, head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).
"The loss of civilian life is unacceptable and undermines efforts toward building peace and stability in Afghanistan," Yamamoto said in a statement.
NATO on service at ИГИЛа: as radical Islamists have training in the ranks of VS of the USA, France and Germany