Blir mainstreammedia det nya terrorhotet efter att ISIS besegrats..? En engelsk journalist som bland annat skriver för; The Guardian, New York Times m. fl. twittrade stolt om att det snart är dags att lönnmörda presidenten (d.v.s. Trump)...
MSM:s propagandamakare är tydligen radikalt besvikna över sin misslyckade opinionsbildande valkampanj och att medias & oligarkernas maffiadrottning Clinton inte blev imperiets härskarinna...
MSM:s propagandamakare är tydligen radikalt besvikna över sin misslyckade opinionsbildande valkampanj och att medias & oligarkernas maffiadrottning Clinton inte blev imperiets härskarinna...
(2016-11-11) A writer for the Guardian newspaper called for a “presidential assassination” in America over Twitter – then quickly deleted her account.
"It's about time for a presidential assassination," Monisha Rajesh tweeted to fellow journalist Mark C. O’Flaherty.
O'Flaherty is a contributor to the Financial Times, the Sunday Times and other publications.
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"It's about time for a presidential assassination," Monisha Rajesh tweeted to fellow journalist Mark C. O’Flaherty.
- Rajesh is a freelance features writer who contributes to the Guardian and has written for a number of other major UK newspapers as well as the New York Times.
O'Flaherty is a contributor to the Financial Times, the Sunday Times and other publications.
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The Guardians Journalist: - NU ÄR DET DAGS ATT LÖNNMÖRDA TRUMP - Monisha Rajesh, på Twitter

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
A journalist from the UK found herself in hot water after she too tweeted that it was "about time for a presidential assassination."
SvaraRaderaMonisha Rajesh, who wrote for both the Guardian and Telegraph newspapers, has since deleted her account on the social network.
Matt Harrigan is the CEO of PacketSled and Critical Assets and a board member for OWASP.
SvaraRaderaAnd he wants to Kill Donald Trump.
— America First! (@America_1st_) November 13, 2016
“I’m going to kill the president. Elect.,” Harrigan threatened in one of the now-deleted Facebook posts shared widely on Reddit.
The president and CEO of PacketSled, a cybersecurity firm that develops software to detect the origin of cyber attacks, has resigned after he posted threats to assassinate President-Elect Donald Trump with a sniper rifle.