Konsten att "Skydda & Tjäna" på ett exceptionellt sätt. Den amerikanska polisens hantering av fredliga aktivister och oliktänkande överträffar nuförtiden ofta de flesta scener i gamla Star Wars filmer. Företagsfascisternas våta dröm om totalt världsherravälde är inte långt borta. Stormtrupperna marscherar samtidigt som mediehororna i mainstream som vanligt mestadels är knäpptysta. Bilden ovanför är från de pågående stora protesterna vid "Dakota Access Pipeline" i USA...
Police continue to viciously attack the protesters at Standing Rock, ND. They are being hosed down with pepper spray, shot with rubber bulets and more. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/join
"In another standoff between state police and protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline, rubber bullets, pepper spray and mace might have been used. One protester was rushed to a clinic, according to sources.
Hundreds of people came to the banks of the Cannonball River on Wednesday morning to pray, with water protectors going into the river while others remained on the shore.
There they were pushed back into the water.
Others were hit with mace, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, according to RT's Alexander Rubinstein.
Three were allegedly shot with rubber bullets. One was reportedly taken to a clinic.
Dakota Access protesters reported police firing rubber bullets at “point blank” range. Journalist and former congressional candidate Erin Schrode posted on social media, “I was just shot. Militarized police fired at me from pointblank range with a rubber bullet at #StandingRock.””*
Read more here: https://www.rt.com/usa/365133-dakota-...
Police VIOLENTLY ATTACK Protesters At Standing Rock
"In another standoff between state police and protesters against the Dakota Access Pipeline, rubber bullets, pepper spray and mace might have been used. One protester was rushed to a clinic, according to sources.
Hundreds of people came to the banks of the Cannonball River on Wednesday morning to pray, with water protectors going into the river while others remained on the shore.
There they were pushed back into the water.
Others were hit with mace, pepper spray, and rubber bullets, according to RT's Alexander Rubinstein.
Three were allegedly shot with rubber bullets. One was reportedly taken to a clinic.
Dakota Access protesters reported police firing rubber bullets at “point blank” range. Journalist and former congressional candidate Erin Schrode posted on social media, “I was just shot. Militarized police fired at me from pointblank range with a rubber bullet at #StandingRock.””*
Read more here: https://www.rt.com/usa/365133-dakota-...
Dakota Access Pipeline protesters maced during standoff with authorities
Publicerades den 2 nov. 2016
According to eyewitnesses, protesters at the Cannonball River in North Dakota were sprayed with a chemical agent and hit with rubber bullets during a standoff with authorities. Footage recorded by RT's Alexander Rubinstein. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERkOzVGew00***
Native American Hopi Prophecy - Elders Speak
Stora protester med 1000-tals aktivister mestadels i mediemörker. Över 200 stammar från Amerikas urinnevånare samlas igen för första gången på 100 år. Tillsammans med 1000-tals aktivister kämpar de mot en ny oljepipeline som byggs tvärs igenom indianernas heliga begravningsplatser och vattendrag...https://undermattans.blogspot.se/2016/10/amerikas-urinnevanare-slass-mot.html
Amerikas urinnevånare slåss mot pipelinebygge i Dakota - 200 Stammar kämpar igen efter 100 år
Konsten att "Skydda & Tjäna" på ett Exceptionellt sätt - Dags att TA DÖD PÅ de sista INDIANERNA?

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
WATCH: Militarized Police Shoot Innocent Journalist as She Conducts an Interview at Standing Rock
SvaraRaderaStanding Rock, ND — A humanitarian crisis is unfolding inside the United States as thousands of Native Americans, indigenous people from around the world, and advocates from every walk of life camp in North Dakota in support of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe water protectors opposing construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. We’ve seen people locked in dog cages, pepper sprayed, beaten, and now, a journalist has been shot by police while conducting an interview. The entire event was captured on her own camera.