Det rapporteras att 53 Anonymous-aktivister blev arresterade på ett demokratiskt sätt vid årets Million Mask March i London, den 5:e nov. Aktivisten "Special K" hade tydligen ingen större lycka med sitt deltagande vid marschen... - Vilket antagligen framgår av hennes twittrande... :)
Det rapporteras att 53 Anonymous-aktivister blev arresterade på ett demokratiskt sätt vid årets Million Mask March i London, den 5:e nov. Aktivisten "Special K" hade tydligen ingen större lycka med sitt deltagande vid marschen... - Vilket antagligen framgår av hennes twittrande... :)
RT 2016-11-06
London police have arrested 53 participants of an annual Million Mask March on Saturday, who took to London streets up to protest inequality and censorship. While minor clashes broke out between some of the activists and police, the rally was largely peaceful.
The protesters, many of whom covered their faces with Guy Fawkes masks, marched from Trafalgar Square to Parliament, shouting anti-globalist slogans.
Although, it did not come to major altercations between the activists and police, sporadic scuffles broke out in the Trafalgar Square and near Buckingham Palace.
Läs mer:
London police have arrested 53 participants of an annual Million Mask March on Saturday, who took to London streets up to protest inequality and censorship. While minor clashes broke out between some of the activists and police, the rally was largely peaceful.
The protesters, many of whom covered their faces with Guy Fawkes masks, marched from Trafalgar Square to Parliament, shouting anti-globalist slogans.
Although, it did not come to major altercations between the activists and police, sporadic scuffles broke out in the Trafalgar Square and near Buckingham Palace.
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53 Anonymous-aktivister arresterades i London vid årets "Million Mask March" 5:e november 2016

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