(*Repris från 2015 angående mainstreammedias många fejknyheter som regelbundet dödar miljoner människor i exotiska länder.)
CNN i Saudiarabien! - Klassiska Bluffnyheter från Mainstreammedia när kriget mot Irak en gång i tiden kom in i vardagsrummet på allvar. Storslagen CIA-Psyop och TV-underhållning som skrämde slag på en hel generation grundlurade TV-tittare. "-Wag the dog-gänget" har inte en chans mot CNN & mainstream...
CNN i Saudiarabien! - Klassiska Bluffnyheter från Mainstreammedia när kriget mot Irak en gång i tiden kom in i vardagsrummet på allvar. Storslagen CIA-Psyop och TV-underhållning som skrämde slag på en hel generation grundlurade TV-tittare. "-Wag the dog-gänget" har inte en chans mot CNN & mainstream...
Fake News Exposed in the Mainstream Media - Raw CNN Gulf War Footage
Publicerades den 14 jan. 2013
There is a Reality Distortion Field at work in the world today. It says that these "mainstream" news providers are reputable and honest, that their stories are fact where the Independent Media is conspiracy and fiction.
CNN, BBC, etc, have been caught time and time again fabricating news stories, faking reports, doctoring images and outright lying.
The "Mainstream" Media are the ones with the tarnished name for faking news, this video is a prime example of that fact.
2015-04-19 Global Research
During the days of the Soviet Union, and in all dictatorial countries, the ‘news’ media were and are actually propaganda-media, which filter out information that the aristocracy (the people holding the real power, which in the Soviet Union were the Communist Party bosses) don’t want the public to know. Is the United States like that now?
Läs mer:
Here are further documentations that the U.S. (and its lap-dog Britain) is a dictatorship, and that its (their) press is systematically controlled to block the public from knowing things that the aristocracy place their highest priority on keeping the public ignorant of:
And, finally, here is an article that I did for Huffington Post, and which they ‘published’ but buried so that virtually nobody saw it; and the reason why they ‘published’ it but hid it from the public is obvious, when you understand how this country’s dictatorship works:
(UPPDATERAD) - I en ny bästsäljande tysk bok avslöjar journalisten Udo Ulfkotte, att västmedia får pengar av bl.a. CIA för att ljuga och hitta på alternativa versioner av nyheter för att driva USA:s (& Israels) agenda. - Missa inte Udo Ulfkottes uttalande i bästa whistleblower-stil på video...http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/09/erfaren-tysk-journalist-media-far-mutor.html
***CNN, BBC, etc, have been caught time and time again fabricating news stories, faking reports, doctoring images and outright lying.
The "Mainstream" Media are the ones with the tarnished name for faking news, this video is a prime example of that fact.
2015-04-19 Global Research
During the days of the Soviet Union, and in all dictatorial countries, the ‘news’ media were and are actually propaganda-media, which filter out information that the aristocracy (the people holding the real power, which in the Soviet Union were the Communist Party bosses) don’t want the public to know. Is the United States like that now?
Läs mer:
Here are further documentations that the U.S. (and its lap-dog Britain) is a dictatorship, and that its (their) press is systematically controlled to block the public from knowing things that the aristocracy place their highest priority on keeping the public ignorant of:
And, finally, here is an article that I did for Huffington Post, and which they ‘published’ but buried so that virtually nobody saw it; and the reason why they ‘published’ it but hid it from the public is obvious, when you understand how this country’s dictatorship works:
Erfaren tysk journalist: Media får mutor av CIA för att manipulera nyheter & ljuga för läsarna
Hill & Knowlton och Nayirhas bebisar fixade Gulfkriget 1991
Hill & Knowlton pr-firma som startar krig.
Gulfkriget sägs vara det första virtuella kriget. Det var även ett krig som startades bl.a. genom välgjorda, fabricerade lögner...http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/03/hill-knowlton-och-nayirhas-bebisar.html
Sverige och MUST banade väg för USA:s invasion av Irak (2)
Sverige och MUST delaktiga
i USA:s folkmord i Irak...
RT 2012-09-04Expressen har de senaste åren haft ett antal artiklar om hur svenska militära underrättelsetjänsten, MUST, hjälpt USA med strategiska uppgifter om lämpliga mål att bomba vid Irakkrigets inledning 2003.

CNN & Tintin i Saudiarabien! - Samlade Klassiska Bluffnyheter från Mainstreammedia (2)

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
SvaraRaderaThe results of the study, for which a representative sample of 4,000 people were interviewed, make “grim reading” for Sweden’s media establishment, the news and marketing industry magazine Resumé notes.
Researchers at the Stockholm School of Economics and market researcher company NEPA said the country is becoming increasingly divided with regards to where people get their news.